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So is he, like, fuglier, slightly more technical, Morrison?
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So is he, like, fuglier, slightly more technical, Morrison?
he's like Morrison if Morrison wasn't Morrison and was in fact a completely different person
He's Morrison except with a different wrestling style and look
he's like Morrison but completely different in every way
He's like Morrison but he's not a cuck and cooler attire
He's like Morrison but he doesn't have some stupid cunt holding him back
He's like Morrison but with a superior moveset, mic skills, charisma and actually knows about psychology.
>mic skills

That's remain to be seen. I think he needs a mouthpiece but doing so and he'll forever be a upper midcard heel as long as he's in WWE
shinskay is sexy as fuck you retard
Why is he doing the crotch chop
> so is he, like
Fuck off back to bebo you underaged cunt
When he screams he sounded like Brock Lesnar
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He's fucking hot and I would Def suck his eggroll cock
Damn, he's got a real rockstar feel to him.
I know it doesn't matter, and his unimpressive physique kinda enhances the gimmick as a purist wrestler and eccentric character.
But fucking hell what a shit body.
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Isn't his gimmick sort of MJ inspired?

I am on the phone so I can't post it but check out his entrance for wrestle kingdom 9.

At one point on his way down the ramp he starts swinging his arms in a way reminiscent of the KoP
Yeah, he's basically coked out Japanese MMA fighter Michael Jackson. The MMA background gets increasingly downplayed as time goes on, though.

Cool. I been thinking about checking out his earlier stuff but it's not as fun when you don't understand the language
So, is he legit MMA or it's just part of the gimmick?
he had like 4 or 5 mma fights when he was young
Was legit, fairly average record iirc. Fought at... 170? I remember something about a really lucky flying knee that he then turned into the bomaye.
>be jap
>booked for kaientai reunion
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