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You are warped through time to June 2, 2014. The Shield is about
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You are warped through time to June 2, 2014. The Shield is about to break up. How do you fix WWE from that point until today
Skip the Seth title reign horseshit, get Roman in the top spot right away, make his in-ring catchphrase "CHOOCHOOCHOO I'M AN AIRPLANE" before hitting the superman punch, and use it as a finisher minus the spear. Have him steamroll everyone, sometimes 6 or 7 at a time.
>give Seth the title
>long feud with Dean culminating with a title win at Mania
>make Roman a comedy mid-card act
>Shield reunion at WM 35
Would probably give cm punk some time off to get healthy. People who think he isn't the best thing to happen in wrestling since Austin are deluding themselves.
lol fuck off smarky
hey phil
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Samoan Gods.jpg
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>Turn Roman heel and give him a silent badass mob gimmick where he wears suit
>Give Roman every title including the Divas title
>Unify them all into a new belt called "WWE Samoan Heavyweight Championship"
>Let Reigns go on a ten year spree with it and have The Usos be his personal bodyguards
Give Bo Dallas a massive push and have him get the Heavyweight, Intercontinental, and tag titles with Bray Wyatt after they revealed him as the 4th member of the family and not Braun
Fire them, push Cena.
Wait, no. Put Cena OVER them, THEN fire them and push Cena.
He was already gone at this point
make seth look stronger.
cool down roman and give him a storyline where he builds himself up to the mainevent
put deanetty in a tag team with some random guy and make them a crazy tag team
put zeb and swaggie together
push bo and the BOLIEVE movement stronger.
the GOAT harper stays strong in the midcard push him when i need a heel in the mainevent.
Autismo. That shit would end wwe quicker.
Only correct answer: Fire them
They all don't have it.
>Shave Roman and Dean's heads
>Have both wrestle in trunks
>Make Dean grow a goatee
>Change Roman's name to "The Boulder"
>Dean to "Ice Cold" Dean Ambrose
>Spend from now until the heat death of the universe trying to recreate the magic of the Attitude Era
Fire the shield. Push eddie and benoit
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>Vince has Eddie and Chris dug up and their skeletons compete with Japanese puppet handlers controlling their remains
>He was already gone at this point
He was married 2 weeks into June which is a little before Paul texted him about coming back and Punk said he would be open for talking

Could have brought him back at that point
Technically he wasn't officially fired until June 13th. There might have been a chance of getting him to stay if he was given the time off that he wanted.
Roman and dean whips Seth ass for 80 weeks straight full shield mode meanwhile Roman and dean go hunting for title.belts all the while.whipping Seth's assb
vince please don't
>make Ramen do some acting classes
>also much cardio
>tell the trainers to teach him a move or two
>make him a likeable powerhouse instead of a poor mans Rock
>muh moves
more moves than austin
>muh cardio
he literally couldn't breathe out of one of his nostrils which is why he got surgery
Reigns couldn't even hold Austin's beer cooler.

>he literally couldn't breathe out of one of his nostrils which is why he got surgery

Unless he's been suffering from that problem for his entire career that's no excuse.
>Ramen betrays shield
>Make Seth and Ambrose babyfaces
Stone cold had everything else ramen noodles doesn't
lol dat uso on the right be like what the fuck

lol heel turn and split coming
Break Roman's legs
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