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File: wolverine-vs-honey-badger.png (315 KB, 569x244) Image search: [Google]
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Should I get a wolf as a pet or a honey badger?
honey badger. how is this even a question?
Honey badger has slightly less capability to kill you and/or others
only special snowflake austists get wolves as pets
File: britishbeauty.png (260 KB, 484x605) Image search: [Google]
260 KB, 484x605

you know nothing jon snow
Get both by getting a wolverine instead
More like they get a huskie/gsd mix, and insist it's a wolfdog.
something that's not a meme animal
honey badger don't give shit rip OP
Is neither an option?
-Is for edgy furries
-Probably gay
-Gives a fuck
-Might kill you

Honey Badger
+Doesn't give a fuck
+Can kill snakes
Honey badger. What kind of question is that? You will never have to worry about a pet honey badger dying because they're literally unkillable and have no predators.

Honey Badger meet Snake. Honey badger not only kills it, but eats it and eats some venom, falls the fuck asleep and wakes back up like nothing happened.

Honey Badger meets Lion. Lion runs away pooping itself because oh shit here come honey badger.

Honey Badger meets neighbor's dog. Neighbor's dog runs away with fucking scratches all over its face crying its face off because it messed with the wrong bitch.

Honey Badger meets bee hive. Honey badger slams the bee hive into the floor, eats the honey, goes to sleep WHILE the bees are stinging the fuck out of it, wakes up completely fine.

You could shoot a honey badger in the head and it wouldn't feel a thing. You could run them over, or even let a car rest on their body and they'll be just fine. THEY'RE FUCKING IMMORTAL. The list goes on really.

So, get honey badger.
It was believable till the last paragraph. Machetes and arrows yes, but a hammer on their skull, a bullet or two or driven over by a car will kill them. Dont be such a memeing fucktard.
>+Can kill snakes
Fuck you.
honey Badger
-Can kill you too
Get a dogger.
If you have the means to care for it, you can adopt a wolf that needs a home.
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