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Does anyone knows what animal is this?
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Thread replies: 14
Thread images: 6
I saw these photos from a guy that took those pictures asking if anyone had seen something like that and nobody knows. Maybe someone here can help to identify that thing or animal, i don't know what it is.
More photos:
Are those cordyceps coming out the backend?
Almost looks like a moth with no wings.
File: the_last_of_us_commercial[1].jpg (650 KB, 960x540) Image search: [Google]
650 KB, 960x540
where were these photos taken?
File: Diaphania hyalinata - Melonworm.jpg (113 KB, 460x460) Image search: [Google]
Diaphania hyalinata - Melonworm.jpg
113 KB, 460x460
almost looks like this but...wrong or backwards and being eaten by fungi
looks like some species of tree hopper/cicada
looks like it.
no, these are "hair-like structure made out of wax-like secretions. Some Aphids and cicadas/tree hoppers produce these "hairs" (e.g. mealy bugs)
Fulgorid, basically super sized tropical leaf hoppers. Weird as fuck.
Nicely done!

looks like maybe Cerogenes auricoma
Definitely a brown recluse
Thread replies: 14
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