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How does /an/ feel about doggy daycare? I was thinking of putting
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How does /an/ feel about doggy daycare?

I was thinking of putting my puppy into daycare twice a week so she could play with other dogs, but I feel super guilty about it. I'm not trying to get her out of my hair or anything, I love spending time with my pupper, walk her three times a day, lots of play inside and in the yard, but there's no dog park around and I don't have any friends with dogs (or friends period).

Am I a horrible man?
I don't see why it's a bad thing
dogs don't need the company of other dogs if that's what's worrying you
Socializing wouldn't hurt
do you mean me or my dog
>Hey guys! How do I make sure my dog gets fleas and worms?
Send him to doggy daycare.
Sounds dumb, I'd never trust anyone to take care of my dogs. I know three people who dogs died for retarded reasons.
>Dog escaped and hit by care
>They put a tiny jack russel in with a bunch of massive dogs that tore him to shreds.
>Accidental poisoned him.
Not directly related to daycare but this past week some lady sent her dog to a grooming place like Petco or PetSmart and the people left her dog in the dryer dehydrating it and killing it.
Probably both
I work and go to school and there are days when I'm only home for 1 hour. On those days (about once a week), I send my dog.

You have to make sure they're up to snuff. Mine has a vet on staff/on the premises. They require vaccines, especially kennel cough. If they see a dog is sick (even if he's just got a runny stool or two), they won't allow it in. They separate dogs based on energy level and size. They have at least two people watching in each area at all times. They have webcams in all the play areas to 1) keep employees accountable, 2) to allow people to watch their dog at work, and 3) have evidence if anything nasty comes up.

Mine also sells dog food and toys in their front lobby, and they offer baths and nail trims and vaccines done by their vet. You can also request an employee to have 1-on-1 time with your dog in case you need your dog to be somewhere safe but he can't handle lots of interaction. They also offer small (5-minutes) time chunks of obedience training with your dog. They give him a treat when he leaves at the end of the day. It's great.

If you find one that's REALLY good and not shady, it's great, and the only issue is the price. It's expensive. I wouldn't do it if I didn't have to, but it's not fair for me to leave my dog alone in an apartment literally all day.
Different guy but I think thats happened quite a few times already. Thats why I'd never trust any of those places to take care of my dog either.
That sounds like a nice place that could actually watch out for your pet. Good for you.
Once I get a real job and don't have to go to school anymore, he won't need to go. But in the meantime, he loves it. And it REALLY tires him out because mine plays really hard. Generally at around 1-2pm you can see most of the dogs on the webcam are lying down all tuckered out, but not mine. Mine has a train engine for a heart.
That sounds like an amazing place! And good for you for doing that for your pup. There are so many people out there who just keep their pets cooped up or locked out all day. Dogs are social animals and need to interact with others (human or dog) for more than just an hour.

A great way to have your dog pick up bad habits & disease from other dogs.
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