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My dog started shaking his head a lot today. I immediately thought
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My dog started shaking his head a lot today. I immediately thought ear mites but his ears are perfectly clean and I thought that there would at least be redness if there were mites. I also haven't seen him scratching his ears or leaning his head to a side, just shaking his head.

Should I just go ahead and buy some more drops? Should I worry about transmission to my cat? Do I need to go to the vet before I get the drops?

I just brought both of them to the vet about a month ago where the cat had to have surgery so my savings are a bit depleted. I can do the vet again if I need it but it would cause a bit of strain
Call your vet for some regular ear cleaner, clean 2x a day until he stops
You can just call your vet for a consultation on what to do. They might just recommend ear cleaner as a first step, or they might suspect something else and want you to come in. There are lots of other things that can cause your dog to shake his had.
If it's just started today, his ears look clean and he doesn't seem overly distressed or showing other weird symptoms, I'd give him a day or two before taking action. It may be something silly like a bug bite or somehow getting water in his ears.
Thanks guys. For whatever reason he stopped today. I'll watch him and call the vet for some cleaner if it comes back
My dog started doing this one day. Cleaned his ears and it seemed to not bother him anymore even though I didn't see anything.

The next day I saw him doing pic related. Turns out the little retard was getting snow in his ears and it was melting in there.
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