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Hello /an/, /k/ here.

I come here in the hopes that you can help me prevent my roommate from murdering my other roommate's cat in a fit of rage. He has been angry with the cat, the cat doesn't like that, so the cat pisses in odd places (including on his things, including his shoes and printer).

Some backstory: Last October, one of my roommates (A) rescued a kitten (female) and we agreed that he could keep her in our apartment. She's been good up until recently, when she went into heat. Rm A hasn't had the cat fixed yet because she was so young when we picked her up, and because he's poor and couldn't afford it around Christmastime. He's since set up an appointment to have her fixed. Roommate B on the other hand has anger problems that he refuses to see a doctor/take medicine for, and presumably the cat didn't do his exact bidding at some point like a dog would, so he yelled at the cat. The cat pissed in his shoes.

This has set off a vicious cycle and Rm A and I are afraid that Rm B will hurt the cat. She pissed in his printer (he left it on the floor in the living room, Idk) and he threw such a legendary shitfit that our mutual friends are avoiding him. Today, the cat hid his contacts and peed in the bathtub, and he went nuclear, screaming at the cat, the whole nine yards.

My question is, how do I fix this issue? I have some money that I would be willing to throw at the problem, because I like the cat and I don't want her to be harmed (she helped me through my brother's suicide last year, on top of me just generally liking animals I guess). She has an appointment to be fixed, and I've heard that there are cleaning products that will remove the urine and discouraging the cat from urinating in the same place. My lease doesn't go up until August, and I would like to keep everything together until I can leave his psycho ass.
Well your roommate is doing the right thing by getting her fixed so that should help and a good cleaning should fix. Your other roommate needs to either see a doctor or leave because he is clearly dangerous to not only the cat but possibly you or the cat owner.
>our other roommate needs to either see a doctor or leave because he is clearly dangerous to not only the cat but possibly you or the cat owner.
This. I'd kick out the other roommate in a heartbeat. Anger issues are absolutely not something worth dealing with if the person won't get help.

If he won't leave, take a video and call the cops/landlord next time he really blows up and say you fear for your and your animals safety.
A blacklight will help you pinpoint the exact location of any cat urine. Works great. Wait till dark, shut off the light, use blacklight. Cat urine will fluoresce under blacklight. You'll need an extension cord probably, to search everywhere. Buy some Nature's Miracle. Get the spray bottle and get the jug refill. Saturate any cat urine with Nature's Miracle and allow it to air dry completely. Works great on cat pee. When I first met my now-husband, fifteen years ago, he had a Siamese cat who hated me on sight. Took her a couple of years to warm up to me (jealousy issues) and in those couple of years she did pee on my leather coat, my shoes, my backpack, my pillow, "my" side of the bed... Nature's Miracle was a lifesaver.
an intact young cat pissing everywhere and hiding my shit would make me rage also
>tfw one of your roommates takes in a stray, and you reluctantly agree to let it stay in the place you're paying rent for, and they don't train and take care of it properly, so it proves to be a nuisance and ruins your favorite shoes and your expensive printer
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