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Fuck. my tank has been doing so well, i've been taking better
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Fuck. my tank has been doing so well, i've been taking better care of it than ever, and now i feed my betta and I see this...This isn't my picture but it's exactly like this. There is a half inch long "white string" hanging from the exact same area on my betta.

What the fuck is this? I've taken care of this fish better than any one ever and now i'm totally paranoid he has parasites or something
salt bath
Parameters? Any behavioral changes?
Can't tell on my phone but mite be shit
I'm not a fish expert but I don't think they poop from there.
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except that they do
could be poop, could be a parasite
fish dick
The white string is almost certainly poop.

This is often indicative of parasites or GI infections.

I'd skip a meal or two until the poop is gone. If you're giving him live feed, don't. Switch to pellets and reduce portion size, at least for now. [spoiler]I think my first betta died from a GI infection he got from a bloodworm that's started to go bad in the freezer. RIP Archie ;_;7[/spoiler]

Monitor for bloating and behavioral changes. If he's just a bit constipated, it might resolve on its own, but if he becomes sluggish and apathetic, that's a red flag.

If I were you, I'd google for some kind of general preventative measures that could nip an internal infection in the bud before it turns into full-blown dropsy. Like >>2085139, adding salt to the water might be an option, but I'm not sure.
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