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So I woke up today to find one of my cats had dragged itself
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So I woke up today to find one of my cats had dragged itself from the living room to the bathroom, leaving a trail of bloody feces. It's incapable of standing and is obviously incontinent. All I can figure is that it fell off an end table and hit its back on the edge of a cardboard box under it.

Can cats recover from paralysis caused by damage to the spine or should I just have it put down?
>All I can figure is that it fell off an end table and hit its back on the edge of a cardboard box under it.

There's no other explanation I can think of. There's no feces on the table itself. The cat often gets into fights with another male in the house. It may have attacked him while he was sleeping and caused him to fall off in the scuffle. All I know is that I've got a fucked up cat.

It's worth noting he's not vocalizing or indicating that he's in any sort of pain. He's clearly confused as to why he can't walk but docile and calm. None of the local veterinarians are picking up their fucking phone because it's after 5pm so he's probably going to have to spend 12 hours in a pet taxi.
>It's worth noting he's not vocalizing or indicating that he's in any sort of pain.

It can't feel pain.

That's why I think it might be some kind of spinal injury. If it were anything else he'd probably be in pain. I think I'll probably have to put him to sleep tomorrow. I hate doing it, but I don't think he's going to get any better.
Take it to the vet you stupid nigger, I mean jesus christ.

Would you go to the doctor if you were shitting blood and couldn't feel your legs?
>Can cats recover from paralysis caused by damage to the spine or should I just have it put down?

It's really a question of do you want to spend thousands of dollars to force your cat into a bad, painful life or do you want to save a shelter cat/dog next week

i don't think your explanation makes sense, but how doesn't really matter. cat may also have a tumor or abcess that ruptured.
>It can't feel pain.
>That's why I think it might be some kind of spinal injury.

Sensory information and motor information are carried up the spinal column by two distinctly separate tracts, one on each side. This likely means your cat's spinal cord has been completely severed.

Uhh, do you live alone? Sorry, but this isn't a recoverable injury.

It's a little hard to take him to the Vet when they're all closed and they're not picking up their phones.


>It's really a question of do you want to spend thousands of dollars to force your cat into a bad, painful life

Yeah I don't think I could stand to force that on him. He's only been like this for a couple of hours but he's clearly confused and miserable. It breaks my heart, but it needs to be done.

>i don't think your explanation makes sense

I was asleep at the time and didn't hear it happen. I don't understand how it could have happened especially after what this guy says:


>Sensory information and motor information are carried up the spinal column by two distinctly separate tracts, one on each side.

The really weird thing is that it's not even that long of a fall. I've seen cats fall further than that and nothing happened to them. I don't know how the hell he could have completely severed his spinal column considering where he was.

>Uhh, do you live alone? Sorry, but this isn't a recoverable injury.

Yes, and I'm scared for my other cats. I read that partial paralysis can be caused by HIV, HIP, and some other conditions. The trail of feces he left sat for a while and I'm sure the other cats probably walked through it or sniffed at it. I don't know what I'll do if this happens to my other cats.

>I read that partial paralysis can be caused by HIV, HIP, and some other conditions

Sorry, I meant to type FIV and FIP. I'm distraught right now.
It's important in these situations to try to sit on your theories as much as possible until you go see a vet.

The spinal cord doesn't have to be "Severed" it can be compromised by tumor abcess etc like the other guy said or disease like you're mentioning

Try not to think about the cause until you get to the vet
Could it possibly have been a saddle thrombus? I recently had to put my 5-year-old cat to sleep because he had one in the middle of the night, it's a blood clot that gets lodged in the spine, instantly paralyzing them. It can be painful (mine was screaming in agony the entire drive to the emergency vets), but sometimes there seems to be no pain at all.

Unfortunately it's completely lethal. There's no way to recover from such a thing. A lot of people whose cats have a saddle thrombus don't even know their cat had a heart issue, for something like 75% of them it's the first sign that anything was wrong at all.

I'm really sorry, OP.
>Vet when they're all closed and they're not picking up their phones

They should have an out of hours service. May be under a different number. Any reputable vet ought to! Else, try call a local shelter and see if they know an on call vet, or even a farmer/wildlife rescue might know one. Often smaller veterinary clinics work together when providing out of hours care. From the sounds of it, the kindest thing to do would be to put your cat to sleep.

This must be a terrible thing to wake up to. Just be there for your cat and make him comfortable until you can get a veterinarian out.
>Can cats recover from paralysis caused by damage to the spine or should I just have it put down?

They can and often do, although they pretty much never get to 100% of how they were before.

But they generally do regain some mobility unless the spinal injury was extreme.

I think you're rushing into euthanasia. It probably isn't necessary in this case.
>Could it possibly have been a saddle thrombus?

Took it to the vet and that's what they said it probably was. No helping it apparently, so they put him down. Thanks for the input and concern /an/. I'm going to bury him and say my farewells.
Damn fambino, sorry to hear it.
They are the absolute fucking worst. I hope you can take some comfort in the idea he wasn't in pain - it was excruciating for my boy when he was put down in december.

I'm so so sorry for your loss. I absolutely feel you. Take care and give you other cat(s) lots of cuddles.
Did you just beat your cat to the point of paralysis? Because I ain't buying your bullshit table story...
don't be a fucking dick.
This. The thread stinks of bull shit
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