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This morning I noticed drops of blood around the kitchen, knowing
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This morning I noticed drops of blood around the kitchen, knowing it wasn't me, decided to check my 2 dogs, it wasn't my chihuahua, but my miniature from terrier who appeared to be bleeding from his urethra. What I'm saying is should I be worried and has this happened to any of you guys. I've had him for 13-14 years and would hate to see him go.

Pic related, not my dog but he looks like it
>Should I be worried
>Blood coming out of him

Uhhh...anon, really? Come on, when was the last time he had a check up at the vet? That sounds some some majerly bad shit going on, go take him in.
Well it's just that he always gets underneath the car and I'm thinking might just have cut himself, and im relatively poor, meaning a costly pet bill is gonna destroy me.
OP, let me put this in a different perspective for you then.

Your dog is peeing blood, which means it's very likely he either has cancer or a tumour in there. Now, you can let it be and MAYBE it will go away, but more than likely your dog is going to suffer horribly, get really fucking sick, and waste away. Now, you can either get your shit together and save a little money for your dog that you've had for years and love, or you can do the kind thing and at least get him put down so he doesn't suffer.

Or another option is to give him to a humane facility where he has another chance at life.

If you want to continue to say that you can't afford the vet, which isn't that fucking expensive, all you're going to get from this board is hate and disdain.
I live in Australia, and the vet is expensive. anyway he seems better now, I'll see how his going, just gave him a bath.
>i have multiple pets and can't afford basic medical care for one

how many children do you have, oh pee?
Ah the old 'I live in another country so the vets are expensive'.

No, YOU didn't think about how much a pet would cost before getting one, stop trying to pass the buck onto someone else. Just suck it up and do what's best for your dog, it's not a fucking toy. It's an animal with a life. A life that you are willing to let suffer because your too selfish to do what's best for it.
Fuck off already
Why is it that all dog owners on this board are either poor, live in some country where the vets are "expensive" or "don't exist", are several hours drive away, or don't accept payment plans?

If you can't afford a vet, you can't afford a pet.
You mad cause I'm right, aintcha?
>all dog owners

Oh stop that. I have a dog and I'm 'poor', but when my dog needs to go to the vet, you know what I do? Stop eating out, stop getting coffees, start making food at home and buy in bulk, and ask friends and family for loans. It ain't that fucking hard and they know I'll pay them back, so they are happy to help.

These stupid fucks are too selfish to even care about there dog, so of course they are selfish in life too and probably burnt all their bridges.
I wouldn't jump to cancer or a tumor. Sound more like a bladder infection. Either way it means a trip the the vet.
Urinary tract infection. If left untreated, can progress to kidney infection and death.
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