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ITT: animals that remind you of yourself.
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You are currently reading a thread in /an/ - Animals & Nature

Thread replies: 244
Thread images: 128
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ITT: animals that remind you of yourself.
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I've been compared to a raccoon a few times
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Mah cousin.
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so I've been told
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For me it's the wolf. Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.
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Everyone avoids it and thinks it's horrible, but they're gentle animals in reality.
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brown coyote stop in snow.jpg
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Coyotes. Dog-ish but shy.
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Their eyes are pretty fucking cool.
Watching them move around makes them seem like really smart little aliens rather than bugs.
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Book scorpion.jpg
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I am pigeon.

When i started to into macro photography it changed my opinion on bugs a bit. Seeing pictures is one thing but zooming waaaay in close on some tiny fruit fly i would normally swat dead without hesitation is a weird feel.
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I feel you senpai
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i think I was a frog in my previous life. now I'm just a dumb frogposter
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The mallard drake. You can often find me at the park, by the pond. I like humans when they have something to offer me but I typically like to keep my distance.

Pigeon is also a good fit for me.
>The mallard drake. You can often find me at the park
I thought this was going to end in a completely different direction.
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I eat all the food but I pay well
> nihilistic
> sense of humor

Opossum because I belong in a garbage can.
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Because you're both slow?
Tbh a lot of people don't even know what nihlistic actually means.

That post was b8 tho.
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Is there an animal that's depressed and wants to die 24/7 and isn't good at anything?
Because that's the animal I'm most like
how new are you
intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor?
I can't tell if you're autistic or just too retarded to realize anthropomorphic cartoons don't actually reflect the animal being portrayed.
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loyal, aggressive, quiet, clean, blonde, and a little stupid.
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I believe you're referring to pugs. And, much like yourself, they're a mistake born of inbreeding.
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Thanks fampai
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depressed pug.jpg
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That's me.
that's me in the corner, losing my religion
I would beat anybody up on the spot if they said they related to pugs.
i chuckled

the exact tortoise that keeps bumping into the cat
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Pic related, and before you ask, I'm actually quite [spoiler]friendly and kind[/spoiler].
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I love to lay down over sitting up and I am generally lazy. So a cat I guess.

I was also told I can be sneaky at times and people generally don't even notice me.

A friend though once told me I reminded her of a red panda. I have no clue what that was about. Cute as fuck animals though so I didn't take it as an insult. I assumed it was because how I like to lay down all of the time.
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I don't understand. Is there some kind of duck meme I do not know of?
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Garden-State Dog Masturbating.gif
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This particular dog.
Kinda like a dumb dog whom thinks hes really intelligent
How do you reply to a certain comment?
Read the sticky, noob.
Umm what?
New to 4chan? Click the post number of the person you want to reply to. A comment box will open up on screen unless you went out of your way to disable it in the site settings.

Alternately scroll all of the way to the top and click "post a reply" then add >>postnumbershere then your reply.

/an/ is pretty friendly but /co/, /v/, /a/ and many other boards will tell you to "go back to reddit" which is an insult (or at least such idiots treat it as such, sometimes reddit is honestly a better alternate, without a doubt for video games if nothing else) or lurk more which is actually good advice as such boards have stupid inside jokes/copypasta/memes/stupid shit that will only make you look stupid if you reply to such seriously.
Thanks for not being a prick m8
Y r their so many angry ppl on here
Cancerous filename
They've gained internet notoriety over the past few years because they have corkscrew dicks and love to rape.
Not that guy, but if you intend to be here with any kind of regularity, download Greasemonkey and 4chanX. Insanely convenient.
Kek m'lady
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make sure to get more wolf shirts so everyone can know how noble and fierce you are
So how new are all of you?
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kawaii one
I'd wager most people on the chans have the tortoise as their spirit animal

>can retreat into your home wherever
>comfy in the shell
>normies keep out
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dirty panda.jpg
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I kind of lucky and also have two friends who constantly try to "save" me although I'm uni drop out/useless, closed-minded and have no future to be honest.
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One or the other.
Not entirely sure myself.
Power to you, goatbro.
just like you
>doesn't like being on pictures.
Who's anthropomorphising now?

you've been told you're a donkey?

I used to be told I had raccoon eyes as no matter how much or little or average I slept I had lines under my eyes.

But otherwise a cat. Lazy and shy but with people I know I am saccharine overly sentimental.
i relate to pugs.
i can't breathe properly, i'm ugly as fuck, bug-eyed, i have multiple forms of genetic diseases, i'm fat and my skin sags, and my vision is degrading.
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>visit /an/ once a week
>it's 99% newfags
>but that's okay because it's too slow for the post-post-retro-ironic-elitism shitters to stake claim and animals are a chill topic for generally alright people

pic related though.
ass in a hole
i call it holeass
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that feel
Love that pasta
>somebody points out stupidity
>I-i was m-merely pretending
Keep your shit cat inside
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I, too, am a horrible fucking cunt.
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>(or at least such idiots treat it as such, sometimes reddit is honestly a better alternate, without a doubt for video games if nothing else)
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For me it’s the sea slug – intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.
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I kill you
Definitely a rat (this is my girl Mia)
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I spend most of my time in my home, with the exception of going to work. I have no individual unique qualities and there are millions of people exactly like me ready to take my place
But, bro, do you lift?
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The chihuahua. I have anxiety, separation issues, and am extremely picky. I need to work on a few things.
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For me it's the sloth. Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.
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>/an/ doesn't know about the copypasta


Very cute rat.

ebin xD
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This thing.
>Yo man, what kind of weed was this again?
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The wolf. I am a pack leader and am deadly. I can kill my enemies in a single blow and I fuck bitches only to breed them. My intellect is higher than the others and I urinate on my boss to tell him who's boss.
>99% newfags

Youd be surprised.

Theres just not a lot of pro memers
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I feel a deep connection with this bird in particular.
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Hyena ear bite.jpg
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I laugh like one.
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For me its the mantis. Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.
I wish I was a doe. Graceful, and timid, but still wild.

I don't know what I am. /an/ can choose for me.
I was about to say this. They love to rape so much. Most hybrids of other breed of duck are mallard, maybe because they are rapists.
They perform necrophilia and occasionally cannibalism.
You seem insanely dull, but distractingly beautiful. Like me.
OH my fuck that shit spooked me
Thanks anon, she was my baby along with her sister, Lola
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Damn. In that case, I'll change my spirit animal to the Canadian Goose.... No. They're assholes and I am easy going.

How about an egret. Very curious birds. Always seem to be inspecting something.
In reality you are a shivering Pomeranian with a fedora.
what the fuck is this? it's a shop right?
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jerboas are real anon

believe it
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its like if a kangaroo and rabbit were mashed together and the result had a lion's tail pinned to it. It's austrailian, isnt it?

God was really running out of ideas with this one.
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>weird body
>kind of like a nervous dog
You're one of those fags who has sex with foxes Aren't you? "Foxy go fluff"
You are Georgius. Jk you're probably very unattractive. Have a nice day :)
You are Georgius. Jk you're probably very unattractive. Have a nice day :)>>2043244
You fucking suck , FAGGGOOOOOOOT
Hi bubbles
>what is irony

It's the rodent equivalent of a t-rex
And looking for a handout.
any places where i can find an accurate spirit animal quiz?
i always just defaulted to the red panda
Eh, you do know that moot had made this place more user friendly (for the doofs that come in droves from crap social networking sites) a few years back with the [settings] button down below.

Pic related
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Intelligent nihilistic etc
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My ex gf said I reminded her of pic related and it was very hurtful
If I said a mouse, what would that say about my personality?
Also, isn't it crazy that they are the closest to use after primates, genetically speaking?

Uh, monkeys in general are the closest animals to humans after primates, bro.
monkeys and humans are both primates, bro
That isn't true at all. The closest are treeshrews.
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I feel like I'm similar to a hen. I have a beak for a nose, I'm chatty, I feel I'm useful, I like being around people but do just fine alone as well.
I'm a pelican, I eat a shitload of fish and am into vore.
i know you are a lovely creature <3
with such a sensitive nose I'm not surprised
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Supremely lazy, essentially retarded, but shit kinda ends up we working out for them most of the time.
>crediting moot for anything positive
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Book Revue (8).jpg
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Love retics they seem more alert than other snakes but get too big for me to keep where I live. Have thought about getting island dwarfs
Star nosed moles are mysterious and majestic creatures and don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
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>some people can admire me at a distance but most people sense there is something to avoid about me
>would prefer solitude over the multitude of a group
>value respect and recognition but don't like being the center of attention
>food motivates a lot of what I do in life
>I'm fat year round but I'm fattest during winter months and thinnest during summer months
>when I get angry I get angry
>very protective of people I care about
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Was scrolling through to find this post.
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Some girls have said I would be a red panda.

This isn't a good thing is it?
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People say I look like a mouse cuz I'm extremely petite and I eat like one lol
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mouse grenade.jpg
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I can't sleep properly unless I burrow under some comforters. It gets so bad I gotta use large fans to keep from overheating.

If I could sleep under tiny hut, I so would.
Look up weighted blankets.
good meem

Nah, I'm good with my comforter 'bedding.'
That and I like the cold when I'm sleeping. I sleep in my own pocket of body heat all burrowed under my comforters. Comfy as fuck, bro.
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Do you ever feel the need to wear a wool sweater and socks, and rub your feet on the carpet then touch people?
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>"Foxy go fluff"
Is that a refurence to this video title or smth:
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Of course it is a fox. Of course people will want to compare themselves with beautiful animals unless they are intentionally trolling or trying to be unique.

Btw im a wolf on the inside.
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>post about fox fuckers
>resident fucker of foxes shows up
>posts video of fox fucker
pick one motherfucker, one of the stupidest animals on the planet hands down
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Pic 100% related
this made me cringe on 15 different levels.. fuck this gay earth

I'm not OP but once a girl likened me to a fox.

Then again I am a redhead and I think she was being shallow (red hair = fox lol)
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people compare me to hairy butterflies
if it wouldnt be for the beard and massive amounts of hair , I would look very feminine

not sure if kek or feel
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You are what you eat
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I'm like that too.
But this cat describes me better

And get fucked by some horny hunter when you get shot.
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i am a professional transsexual crypt defiler and i take my job very seriously

Muad'Dib is wise in the ways of the desert.
Muad'Dib creates his own water.
Muad'Dib hides from the sun and travels in the cool night.
Muad'Dib is fruitful and multiplies over the land.
Muad'Dib we call 'instructor-of-boys.'
That is a powerful base on which to build your life, Paul Muad'Dib, who is Usul among us.
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W-..was that a pun?
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Awkwardly stuck in a habitat transition, too hairy for its own good, and constantly choking on lizards.
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I dont know know why i tolerate it anymore
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Needy, pathetic, annoying, anxious.

Think I'm cute and endearing.

People only tolerate me because it looks bad on them to punt a little dog
You're a psychopath that maws the face off newborn lambs to eat their tongue, leaving it to either starve or bleed to death?
Are you a ginger?
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You need to learn more about Bichons before posting this shit, 100% bro-tier dogs.
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laid back personality, just wants cuddles, occasionally screams
Wow she's gorgeous! Do you have just her or some friends for her?
I read that in his voice for some reason
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Another ratanon here.

>Highly food motivated
>Extremely close to a small group
>Hordes things
>Squeaks when injured or surprised
>Sleeps curled up in a ball
>Actually pretty nice once you get to know me
How did you find my senior photos?
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Big, slow, silly, and lazy as fuck.

Also fuck edgy wolfags
Wtf are you talking about yourself?
Those fuckers can run as fast as horses.
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Pragmatic Rabbit.gif
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This rabbit.
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A fennec fox with no real reason other than how I'm the cutest one here.
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Have been told I resemble humans.
Loyal with a lot of love to give, not that clever really
Same but for real.

>there are still people that don't get the joke
oh, I know what you're trying to say. You think too highly of yourself.
I dunno what I am, but I'm sure I've found OP
I've been likened to a st bernard. Im fine with that. I like st bernards, even though i've never owned one.
i've been compared to cats because i'm lazy, love the sun, and im good at manipulating people into doing what i want them to
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my spirit animal
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Sadly anon, yes. I never realised I did the squeaking thing until someone pointed it out to me.
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ferocious beast
I'm so used to 4chan and having stumbled across this board, I 100 percent thought this was a penis
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It's an amazing animal.

I don't deny that nature is what it is. We are predators the same as them.

Eh, they're pack animals the same as us. We love to identify ourselves with them. Honestly because, they almost ARE us. Over twenty-million years ago.

We don't like chimps because they're too close.
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>sleeps lots
>eats a limited variety of things
>easily startled

One of my favorite animals.

I think the trouble is, we should not cage them.

Dogs, cats? That's our responsibility. We bred ourselves into this bizarre situation where we have to captivate them and still give them an extreme standard of life.

The rest? I think Sea World need to be shut down. I don't have any power over it and it's not my right.

It really fucked with me to think that dolphins and whales might have a measurably larger cerebral cortex than humans.

We could be destroying another sentient species. I will not stand for that.
scarab beetle
>so much shit
>rolls with it
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Great Grey Owl.jpg
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Hello, friends. I am a moth.
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Flying fuzz bugs a cute. CUTE!
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me 2bh

goddamn im glad im human imagine if this shit was one of your many predators. the animal world has shit thatll poison/decapitate/skin/impale/petrify/melt/rip you up while eating you at any given moment if you're not paying attention
Welcome to hell.

Just imagining what life was before we mastered fire and spears... for these impala it must be nice being scared shitless their every living breath.

>"fennec fox"
>not recognising a special doggo
Reddit is just 4chan with less shitposting and less allowance for edgjness/insulting (and ability to use tor)
https://youtu.be/lsxDm8U3vZc mine
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intelligent , nihillistic and a wicked sense of humor
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literally me

I get told this too. They explain that I'm cute until I get mad and I also make messes wherever I go
I too often feel like a human.
why, my peanus weenus of course :)

hahah! :D

it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah

ITT: animals that remind you of yourself - my answer, of course, my peanus weenus :D

thinking you know anything about philosophy ≠ intelligent.
The humor of the "peanus weenus" post comes from its purity. It is the kind of humor you can expect from a small child around the age of six. You can just imagine the little boy carefully typing down the post, giggling like a beautiful cherub.For him he invented what is basically the epitome of comedy. He is a glorious angel bringing the gift of laughter to all his 4chan friends.
He has something in his hand, while he types. What could it be?
Why, it is his peanus weenus, of course. He giggles at the thought of it.
It is his weeenus peanus. His laughter continues, getting louder.
The object in his hand is his peanus weenus. His laughter has now awakened his grumpy mother.
This is the fifth time this month this has happened and she has had enough. She loudly slammed her son's door, sharp knife in hand. She's going to cut it off.
"No, not my peanus weenus!" the boy pleaded. His mother only grinned sadistically.
"Please to not cut off my weeenus peanus!" She pushed the sharp metal to her son's boy flesh.
No longer attached was the boy's peanus weenus. It was his mother's now.
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