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can dogs sniff out cancer? because everytime i come acros a dog
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can dogs sniff out cancer? because everytime i come acros a dog on the streets he tries to sniff my balls, strangely enough one of my testiscles hurt and is bigger then the other one
I don't exactly trust this article but it's possible.
The other signs should be enough to make you think it might be wise to talk to a doctor.
In each other they can. Are you a dog?

Just go to the doctor.
Yes, they can but the dogs are actually trained to do it.
Can a dog do it on it's own? Possibly. If its a new smell it hasn't encountered, then it may be interested in a quick sniff. However, from what I know is that the dogs aren't smelling the cancer were it's located. They smell it through your breathe or urine in the case of prostate cancer.
some spaniels can be trained to sniff out certain skin cancers.
one is always bigger. but the hurt thing is a red flag. you should jack off on a kid and if the kid gets cancer you have cancer
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