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How to make a pretty house-sport with a Cat.
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Catch your Cat, and take a Hawk bell, or the like: then tie a thred to the bell; and about half an inch from the bell, tie a knot: then binde it fast to the end of her tail, and let her loose; whereby you shall see pretty sport.

Also you may take Walnut-shells, when the kernels are out, and put therein a lit∣tle rum of Pitch, and warm them against the fire: then shooe her on all her four feet: Then put her into a dark room, and she will never rest quiet, but keep her self so trampling, that the noise thereof, to those that onely hear, not knowing what you have done, will seem strange, and indeed dellectable.
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How to make a Cat to piss out the fire.

Take a Cat and, with a glove on your hand, hold all her four feet together: then hold her head fast between your leggs: when you have so done, go to the fire, and hold up her tail, and you shall see her spout forth presently.
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How a Wager may be laid, that a Cat shall draw a simple fellow over a Pond, Moat, etc.

Take a long Rope, and tie it about the fellows middle very fast: then get the other end of the Rope on the other side of the Pond: when you have so done, tie the Cat with a small Packthred to the Rope. Now you must imagine, that the Rope must reach a good way from the Cat, and put it thorow some bushes or weeds, behinde which you must have two or three Confederates, (so that the fellow see them not.) Then, when all is ready, one must whip or beat the Cat, and then your Consorts must pull the Rope quickly over: and when he is come to the shore, they may convey themselves away; for he will have small minde to eye them.

Okay, that one is funny.
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