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This isn't the usual type of Tinder thread. I'm looking
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This isn't the usual type of Tinder thread. I'm looking for advice on how to get the app working.

I have never been able to log into Tinder. I receive one of three error messages every time:
>There was a problem logging into Tinder. Please try again.
>Login Failed. Network connection unavailable. Please check that you have a data connection and try again.
>Login Failed. Tinder is having trouble logging in with Facebook. Here are some possible reasons: etc.

When I go into my Facebook settings it shows that I am logged into Tinder with Facebook but it is lying.
I have un-installed, re-installed, force stopped, cache cleared, and prayed to satan. I'm on an Xperia Z2 on the T-mobile network. I have the most recent version of Tinder, Android, and Facebook. Connecting with my WiFi does not change the result.

Whaddafuck man. Help me please.
Go to your app permissions for Facebook or whatever and remove Tinder. Then uninstall Tinder, reinstall and try again.
I have tried that but it does not fix the problem. Thanks anyway.
Sometimes it just shows a white box that has a grey spinning circle. It says loading but it never stops.
bump of pain
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