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Talking to a co-worker about this thing that happened with a
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Talking to a co-worker about this thing that happened with a friend of my friend's who was attracted(was told "she wanted to ride your face".) to me. Said co-worker says that some other co-worker felt the same way. Find out it was someone who I also thought was attractive. Said co-worker told the other co-worker, & with the other co-worker saying, "oh that's going to make things funny next time we see each other," from Said co-worker.

See other co-worker the next day & she says hey to me first & I reciprocate it. Then the day after I talk to her in her area of work on my lunch break. We just talk about just things in life. It all was pretty honest talk. I even say I feel that we're on the same wave lengths with a lot of things. Ask what she wants to be in life.
We go back & forth on what she wants to be. I ask of her boyfriend's aspirations in life. She mentions of the things that he isn't doing shit. She then tries to think of a word to further describe him.

I guess a few words until I nailed it. "Potential" was what she was looking for with her eyes opening when looking at me. Later that night she added me over facebook. Added her back the next day. Now it's some casual conversation at work, she always says hey to me when she passes by.

This happened over last week. Might see her again tomorrow. Into this girl that has a boyfriend. This happened. Am I thinking too much into this? What do I do?
Jesus dude this is way to complicated with said coworker and shit being used over and over. You should revise this summary with use of fake names to help clear things out.
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>Talking to a co-worker about this thing that happened with a friend of my friend's who was attracted(was told "she wanted to ride your face".) to me. Said co-worker says that some other co-worker felt the same way. Find out it was someone who I also thought was attractive. Said co-worker told the other co-worker, & with the other co-worker saying, "oh that's going to make things funny next time we see each other," from Said co-worker.

I have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
But I do see myself in the same situation with someone I've known for a couple of years now, she also just got a boyfriend or the closest thing to it.
>Am I thinking too much into this?
Lel, you can't read.
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