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What are some good activities for a 23 year old son and a father
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What are some good activities for a 23 year old son and a father / father figure to do together to deepen their bond?

Father bonding advice in general
wood working
Construction projects
Any other outdoor activity you both like
Hanging out together at a chill local bar to watch sports and have a few beers

Basically, you need to know what your dad likes. What are his interests? His role as a father is to teach. Pick a couple of things that he's passionate about, and ask him to teach you. Don't know how to golf? Ask him to teach you. Does he like to build stuff? Tell him you want to help him out with things.

Then the rest naturally comes. You talk, you bond.
Depends on what you both enjoy doing.

I go out to eat food with my dad regularly because who the fuck doesn't like delicious food ?
Anything from restaurants to small burger take-away joints.
For the most part you'll be talking with each other when you're not shoving that delicious food into your mouth.

Find a common interest and work from there.
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