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This bitch was kissing and hugging and sleepin in my bed for 5 months and she already had a boyfriend already that lives far away.
I told her boyfriend and he still takes her back and takes her to london with him. Give me youre opinions pls.


this implies the endgame of any relationship is marriage. its not. if that was the case than you should just give up dating and do an arranged marriage cuz thats a more sure fire way.

you are young, you are reasonably attractive, and exploring life. life is not wasted simply because the relationship ended. all relationships end.

like vision said in age of ultron
'something isn't beautiful because it lasts'.
why do you still care?
I only care because she was my motivation to get out of bed. Im a N.E.E.T

you cant let a woman be the reason you live life. thats your first mistake. you have to live your own life for you.
I know that but i am exstremely depressed. She told me she loved me but she was decieving me the whole time.
Eh, she looks uglier and fatter than me, and I look like jabba the hut. Nothing of worth was lost, anon. From what you are saying she was a shitty person too, and that's too much to put up with, no?

i get that and that sucks, but the big issue here is you let her be the thing that defines your life. so of course you're going to take it even harder than you should.

you should be the thing that defines your life.
After everything she said "promise me you wont tell anyone we slept together" so she could protect her relationship with the boyfriend and keep decieving him.
just fuck me. Both OP and this stupid fuck that took her back. Have men no balls or pride anymore? How do you inflate the value to princess level nothing more than a cheating cunt?
Does it help to know shes autistic and basically dying of some sort of disease she often coughs up blood. So atleast she'll have karma bite her in the ass.
You guys should know that i dont give a fuck about her anymore but im still pissed off because she disrespected me more than anybody ever has.
Thanks guys.
Been the best experience ive had with 4chan so far.
Sucks, dude, but at least you didn't waste six months or more
no because she uses it to manulipate
At least It was 5 months and not 2 years
Go postal on this bitch. Travel to London, carefully plan your assassination and kill her.
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