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Hello. I want to get into meditation/self hypnosis, but whenever
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Hello. I want to get into meditation/self hypnosis, but whenever I try to relax my head and neck twitch like crazy, sort of like my body trying to "snap out of it".

Is this just my body trying to "wake up" or could it be something more serious?
It might just be this


t. not a doctor
I know about myoclonus, and that can be a sign of something serious, but not necessarily.
Thanks for responding.
Does anybody else experience this kind of thing when trying to relax for meditation?
because you are not calm, your body can not be calm. people expect meditation to send them to bliss instantly, but it doesn't work like that. it takes practice. must learn to let go of all distractions both physical and mental.
in saying that, has it always happened any time you have relaxed in your life or only in preparation for meditation?
Recently it has been more than usual, but only when I try to relax. Doesn't need to be for meditation. Whenever I try to really relax, as in motionless relaxation.

My grandmother had parkinson. My worst fear is that it is this.
Shameless self bump
Also spasm when I try to "zone out". For all I know it is psychological.
dehydration is also a big cause for twitching. also it could be the tendons on the back of your neck contracting because you spend too much time looking down. you could try touching your toes in the morning to stretch you back then stretch your neck and increase your water intake and see if things get any better, but it could be any number of things, you have to find the cause and relive it.
probably wouldn't hurt to get a doctor to rule out parkinsons for you, but doesn't sound like parkinsons
i'll let you in on a secret, its probably to do with your energy levels, try focusing on your center as you relax or zone out, your center of mass is good enough until you know what im talking about
I do spend a lot of time with my phone looking down on it. I did hear somewhere some time ago that doing this is the equevelant of having a bowling ball hanging from your head.
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