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I don't know how to be a lady or how to make friends
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I'm super awkward ... around everyone unless I know that person smokes marijuana . Then I can open up a little more because that will be something we have in common to talk about .

Otherwise , I'm horrible in making conversation. I dont know about a lot of stuff . I'm not in school . Im not super close with my family . I've lived with my boyfriend for 4 years. I don't have a car.

There's just really NOT A LOT to me. I feel I have no substance.
Along with having no substance , I find myself making friends with guys. I flirt naturally. I always imagine what sex with someone else would be like. But since I have a SERIOUS boyfriend, I cant go through with anything I might actually want to go through with. I love my boyfriend and I do not want to lose him . And I would HATE IT if I knew he was thinking about this towards other women.

I just don't know how interact with people.

I don't know how to act like/be a normal LADY. I don't wanna act or feel like a slut.

Please help
Adorable. So what kind of personality disorder do you have?
How old are you?
I honestly don't know . What does it sound like to you? I was thinking Stockholm syndrome because I've lived with my boyfriend since the day i met him

So you see men as sex objects as many men see women as sex objects. Lovely. Of course you don't know how to interact with people because you only see them in terms of what they can do for you.

You have a great personality to be a social engineer. You'll have to learn a lot, but you'll have absolutely no guilt over taking lunch money.

There you go. I've given you direction, a lifelong career, limitless branches based on ethnicity and education, and the ability to get whatever you want. You're welcome. I wish I had that.
I am only 18
Find a hobby to obsess over. Politics, animals, science, economics, sports, whatever.
That's your problem. You're a kid. Immature and inexperienced.
Everything that you mentioned can be helped with practice and experience that you don't have. Don't try to be a lady, that's forced. Be yourself, but work on being more valuable.

> I'm horrible in making conversation
Practice with friends

> I flirt naturally
Like most girls

> I love my boyfriend and I do not want to lose him
Then have self control. A LOT of people think of having sidesex, and they don't act on it out of respect to the other.

>I just don't know how interact with people.
Practice, practice, practice.

>There's just really NOT A LOT to me. I feel I have no substance.
Start doing something to have substance. A hobby, read books, sport, learn something, seek some challanges, be a human being. What is your normal day look like?
>I've lived with my boyfriend for 4 years
Yeah no kidding.
Well guess what, uneducated people tend to be in imaginative learners.

Learn how to learn. Study something. Read an art history book.

As for your personality, your brain isn't fully enough developed for me to diagnose you over the internet, hon
Just live longer and see if you can figure out how to adult
I hate your picture. Too much egoism and self-importance

Also, how can you live with your boyfriend since you were 14?
>boring woman

what else is new, most women are
Thread replies: 12
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