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I think I'm an incredibly self absorbed, and selfish person.
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I think I'm an incredibly self absorbed, and selfish person.

For example, when it comes to my taste in music, I sometimes go out of my way to listen to obscure music just so that I can feel somewhat superior. I don't like connecting with other people, or feeling like we share something unless it's me that discovered it first.

I don't ask my awesome parents about their past, I don't care to learn about them at all. I sometimes hesitate to say hi to people because I don't want to acknowledge them before they acknowledge me.

I'm aware of all this though and am always trying to change.

It's like I've got some stupid pride/ego issue going on.
Congrats OP, you are a total faggot. Better change your worldview and find your place before somebody shows you to it. Faggot>>17274659
Sounds like you're a teenager. Or you're still one developmentally. At least you realize it though.

You know what your problem is.. So you know exactly what to do, you just don't want to. Start reaching out to people and being nicer, and if you're not feeling it, you'll start feeling it with time.
I'm 24, but in a lot of ways, I am inexperienced in most facets of life. I often do find myself thinking about how my current life experience might be that of a teenager.
read dale carnegie: how to win friends and influence people
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