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>Have bad anxiety, can't really meet people orl >Use
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>Have bad anxiety, can't really meet people orl
>Use Tinder to try and meet girls
>Been talking to this one girl non stop for about two and a half weeks
>Met up once, plan to meet her again
>She's really great and I'm kinda into her, but no clue how she feels about me
>Can't stop panicking about "what if she actually think I'm clingy/annoying/wierd
>Not really flirty with her, because not knowing how she feels makes me terrified to try
>Also worried that if she is into me she'll think I'm not into her because I'm not being flirty and find someone else

How do I just chill the fuck out about this? Why can't I comprehend these things like a rational normal person?
Rational time.

It's Tinder. She matched you. You matched her. You are both attracted to each other. This much is fact.

You talked with her. She talked with you. You both enjoyed the conversations and decided to meet. She likes your personality. This much is fact.

She likes you. This much is fact.
Well I know she likes me, just trying to figure out in what way is freaking me out
>I kinda lead all our conversations, she never really asks about me
>Responses to everything tend to be short "dammmmn" "lol nice" "I have geez"
>Always message her first (she tends to sleep in) because I've convinced myself if I wait for her to get to me I'll never hear from her again

I must be autistic or something. There's no way anyone normal can overthink this much
Sexually duh
>Find a good time to slip in a "btw I think you're really pretty"
>"awwh haha thanks"

Why do I feel like my compliment made her feel awkward and may even even creeped out.

You clearly need to figure out how adult dating works.

It isn't like highschool where you meet a girl, talk to her for a few weeks and then date.

You meet her, spend a few months (maybe even longer) developing a friendship, then if there are feelings on both sides then you guys go in an actual date vs. just hanging out. You may very well of scared her away with that.

Just because you met in Tinder doesn't mean you go straight to dating.
HAHAHAA few months jesus christ, most girls fuck on the first date if you're not a complete beta faggot. tinder is not some fucking harry met sally friendship app.

OP this is Tinder. She clearly is interested in you in some way. You met, she kept talking to you and she wants to see you again

Everything's fine man
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