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I don't feel like I have any meaningful future, and am destined
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I don't feel like I have any meaningful future, and am destined to live this shameful, shitty life for all eternity. I'm 23, back in school for the next while, cleaning toilets at work to make money for tuition and other dumb crap.

School seems useless. People say the only thing worthwhile is networking, and while I'm not a bad person to be around I've never been the popular type either. I'm trying to go into software development but the industry is only getting more saturated, I'm not even sure if it's worth it anymore.

Any advice on how I can feel better, or how I can change things to make my life at least somewhat decent?
Realize you aren't even in the middle point of your life and stop whining.

I'm in a pretty similar situation so bumping for interest.

and >>17233819 is completely useless since a long shitty life makes no sense. At this point why not plan to end it up at like 30 and spend all you can in fun things until then...

Anyway, since money is the central problem and I dont want to have a shitjob (even well paid) ruining my life I'm thinking of trying to open my own business thing, just to not feel like a slave. But yeh, requires money to start and the risk of failure is permanent.
Just kill yourself then. What the fuck do you want people to tell you? you're a 12 year old anymore, if you aren't emotionally mature enough to realize maybe your problems aren't as important as you're making them out to be, you might not be ready for the rest of your life.

No one's going to fucking baby you.
No one cares about emotionss, I was just pointing out that you didn't suggest any concrete possible solution to OP's point.
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