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If you died today, how many people do you think would come to your funeral/memorial?
Often ask myself that, mostly at random times. But I would advice avoiding this dumbass negativity scenario plays in your head. Just live. LIVE.

And why does it matter the number of people who come to you burial.
I don't care, I'm not an attentionwhore. I live for life not for others attention.
My family, my friends

probably around 30 people
maybe two to three people i care about and a bunch of assholes who know who i am.
I've basically cut off contact with everyone I've ever known. I think it would probably just be my family and a few childhood friends.
around 50 ppl i'd say
I'll be very realistic here. My mom, dad, step mom, and maybe two more people would show up. It would be a small funeral.
not to brag or anything but i dont have a single friend and i think i could easily pull in hundreds. not out of love or any of that gay shit though. it would be more of a rendevous of random people i was a dickhead to so they could all talk shit or something
4-6, as I get older that number will probably turn into zero.
50-100. Mostly relatives.
File: whenYouDead.jpg (21 KB, 657x593) Image search: [Google]
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4. Mother, father, 2 brothers.
I don't actually talk to any of them (last time i think was a skype chat with my bros a few months ago).

I'd be fine being buried alone, frankly. I'd be dead (probably by suicide, let's be honest) and wouldn't give a flying fuck how many people are standing next to my coffin. Better for people to have a nice party and enjoy themselves instead. Life is for the living.
You made me feel something...
Never really thought about it, but probably somewhere around 40-50, about half relatives. Not huge, but not tiny.
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