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Peer pressure into a family
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Im a man in my 30s. I've no interest in having children ever, i don't like dealing with kids, i have no patience to be a parent and although I'm economically stable enough i know I'll be a shitty parent.

Lately I'm being pressured by friends and family alike to settle down and start a family. Is it that strange to not want to have a family.
Is something wrong with my way of thinking? I

'm no Mgtow, i have no problem dating women, but i see the misery alot of my friends deal with when having children or divorces or the money sink and gamble a kid is.
By gamble i mean having a kid that may turn out to be a shit. Neet/gay/whore/thug
If you have no desire to have kids, simply don't.

Look into a vasectomy, if you can go through that without second thoughts, then you know for a fact you don't want kids on any level, and you have the added benefit of never having an accident.
Im already in talks of doing that. Im just sick of everyone around me trying to pressure me into a family, i know how i am and i know im a short fuse when it comes to dealin with kids. But everyone around me is "children are a blessing" or "they are alot of hard work but they are worth it" i live a pretty comfy and easy life, i dont want none of that in my life. I guess it more of how do i get it through my friends and families skulls that i simply dont want a family? They all brush it off as "you'll be ready when you find the right woman"

The right woman for me is someone who also doesnt want kids
Have you tried calmly explaining to them why you don't want kids instead of being all "I just don't, okay?!"
Well, actions speak louder than words, so a vasectomy would probably shut them up.

Without doing anything drastic, you would need to sit them down and tell them calmly you have no interest in raising a child, regardless of a relationship.

Also, if you wanted to you could always donate to a sperm bank. Your genetics get passed on and you don't have to deal with it. Might even shut some family/friends up, which would be a bonus if it happened.
Yes, least to the people that matter in my life.

My main point are usually that nothing in life is full proof, i dont want to end up payin alimony, get a second job (even if im still with that women and no divorce has happen) because my income i stable as it is right now, as i said before i know i dont have the patience to deal with a child, i have no problem accepting everyone else's kids with they turn out gay, lazy, live the thug life or if they have daughters that spread their legs to everyone. It easy to accept others when its not your own kid, i know it sounds bigoted but thats how i feel about that .

Its usually waved off with "oh being a parent comes natural" or "you need to be a parent to see what its like" mean while i see alot of them struggling to make ends meet. We go to college to get good jobs and be smart, but we dont need degrees to raise kids in current year, its baffling to me
I tried to get a vasectomy about a decade ago. Only to find out you need to be of a certain age to get it in case you regret it later down the line. Well 10 years later and i feel the same way, i dunno if that practice is specific to my country but I'm already going for a vasectomy some time this year. Mainly because they are really piling on the naggin lately despite that im currently single
In most countries you can't get the snip until you're at least in your 30s.

If you raise your kid right they won't become a neet, whore or a thug (although they may have a short, cringe inducing whory and/or thuggy phase in their teens).

In terms of development, humans are born prematurely compared to other mammals. So a kid's behaviour and personality end up being determined by their environment. They are sponges that take in absolutely everything. So if you're a shitty person around them or expose them to shitty things, they'll grow up to be shitty.
Thats the thing. I think im a shitty person, i know its selfish of me to refuse to center my adult years into a child, a Wolf can do better human raising than me
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