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Why wouldn´t I be told the real diagnosis?
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What reasons could a doctor have? On paper he only lists anxiety but he's suggested I may have BPD but that was once and whenever I ask he goes on about anxiety or mild depression.
However I just heard from family that they've been told I'm bipolar and dissociative and that the evolution is pretty bad.

I don't know what to believe anymore, I'm being treated like a fool and it's pissing me off. Why would he tell me otherwise, why would he tell me every ime that I look better and seem calmer with a smirk on his face and that 'no, no you're gonna be fine'. Same old, same old

Are all psychiatrists like this?
They, like every people try to avoid confrontation. They do what's on their payroll with as minimal confrontation as possible.
>the evolution is pretty bad
You don't tell mentally unstable patients this because it makes them worse.
But blatantly lying to their face that they look so much better every time even when the patient says hell no, I feel worse is just absurd and annoying.

>not telling mentally unstable
Is it only in the case of mood disorders cause I've seen schizos knowing their condition, and that it's bad, without it making things worse
>Are all psychiatrists like this?
Basically. It's a losing system.
They don't tell you your diagnosis because mental health patients have a particularly nasty habit of looking up random drugs on the internet or hearing from people they can resell certain psychotropic drugs, and ask those drugs to be prescribed.

Generally speaking, you will either only be told your diagnosis if being told your diagnosis doesn't matter for this sort of purpose (as in you don't have fixed ideas about what your potential diagnosis might be, or you won't have problems with the medication) or alternatively, knowing your own diagnosis is a crucial part of your life process (eg you are a war vet filing a claim for PTSD).
1. If he is discussing your diagnosis with your family, and you are over 18, he is violating the law.

2. You have the legal right to see your own files.

3. You don't have to stay with the same doctor. You can try someone new, or at least get a second opinion.

4. Could paranoia be a symptom of your problems? Is there someone you trust you could discuss this with?
1. It's sorta complicated, he discussed it with my brother who is also seeing the same psychiatrist for different reasons. Sometimes he asks us how the other sibling is doing and such. I assume he told him in this context

2. I only know the prescription I'm given has some anxiety disorder written on it (initial diagnosis, after that I went through some evaluation but he didn't change it on paper), although one of the drugs I take is also a mood stabilizer

3. You're right, I've been thinking about this. But hesitate at the thought that it may take more than just a session for another one to sort my issues out and give a better diagnosis. I don't even care that much about what disorder I fit into, I just don't like the fact that he's not telling me the truth. I'm over 18 and have asked him to tell me straight-forward whatever problem he thinks I have, that way the patient can better understand his situation, document on it maybe (or have others more specialized tell him more abuot it) and learn to know to keep himself in check and what to look out for. IMO.

4. It is, a little. Not that much. Well, I could discuss it with my therapist but I have a feeling I'll get the same treatment and she may talk with the doctor (as she was recommended by him for therapy)
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