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Feeling super stressed about life right now, I am graduating
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Feeling super stressed about life right now, I am graduating from high school in a couple weeks and turning 18 in a few months. I dont have any responsibilities and i am told by my parents that i am a lazy piece of shit and im gonna get hit by life hard. I think sometimes that life is too short, even though im young. Starting to feel really lonely since i broke up with someone that i really care about a few months ago and i haven't been able to get over her. Should i go see a therapist or something? I have no idea what to do and i am actually scared of turning 18 and growing up.
Do what all troubled youngsters do, join the military. I'm sure your parents will respect you then.
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18 and living by myself here. Enjoy your parents while you can.
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Not to mention I've never had anything close to a relationship. I'm so God Damn lonely.
I recommend seeing a therapist. Spend most of your time reciting menus from local eateries and masturbating. They'll send you to an asylum and you'll never have to find a job. The state will take care of you. As an added bonus, you won't have to fill out the paperwork for food stamps or wait in line at the Department of Social Niggerdom to receive benefits.

Nigger, nigger, nigger. Go ahead.
You're a child.
You know abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING about life or depression.
Get the fuck over yourself and wait until you're an adult with real fucking problems and real depression hits.
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