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How do I make shy girls not feel threatened by me? My last gf
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How do I make shy girls not feel threatened by me?

My last gf left me because she felt like my standards were too high for her to reach. I told her so many times that no matter what I'd love her unconditionally but she still felt inadequate.

Sometimes girls don't like approaching me because they feel too scared, when I show interest they usually get too shy to talk, but over the internet they talk to me a lot and sometimes they say they thought I was joking about liking them (?????)

Basically no matter how much interest I show they always feel like I'm not genuine. How can I get another shy gf?
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You might want to try to be less creepy
I'm not creepy at all, I'm not really awkward and I'd consider myself pretty good looking. I think it's because of that reason shy girls feel threatened
Ah yes, those damn jews.

You're creepy
How did you come to this conclusion?
oh you mean introvert. you wont find them. they have a small group of friends and if you aint in the circle you wont get in the circle. no matter how long you know them. or think you do.

if she said your standards were too high for her its time for you to stop being that snivelling little doormat you and every girl says you should be. you have 2 choices: go get your hand bag then go put on a dress and hand in your man card OR you man the fuck up and stop being a whiny ass bitch every time a girl leaves...

no girl dont need you calling/txting her every 5 mins wwanting to hear from you. make her wait to call you.

Because you assume that women does not like approaching you because you scare them.

Have you ever considered that they just might not want to be approached by you?
I just said they talk to me on the internet and they literally tell me they have an interest in me. Just not IRL.

Y-yeah I was a doormat. But we're long done now.

There's a vast difference between what people say on the internet and how the real world is looking.

Why do you think so many people on this board are getting fucked over by their 'online' relationships?
all the advice i give comes from life experiance not some blurb that i can regurgitate from any other website...

I was talking to OP mate.
How/why are you making known your standards that she doesn't reach, if they don't matter to you? What are the standards?
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Answer this >>17123362.

You're probably not creepy, the other anons are just memeing. In fact you may be the opposite: this is a documented phenomenon. Pic related.

Blame your fellow good-looking men for being gigantic spoiled pricks, and blame women for being utter shit judges of character (and some for being sociopathic fucks who won't take guys they know they can't manipulate as easily). Then do something about it: make yourself look less attractive, self-deprecating humor, get a funny-looking haircut, wear strange clothes, wear glasses, etc.
And above all, make them feel secure with you. Watch them and see what they're afraid of, and allay their fears as best you can, eg by casually dropping that you find whatever they're insecure about hot as fuck, for example (they have to find out, you can't just tell them that because they won't believe it).
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