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How do you get over the fact that, no matter how hard you try,
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How do you get over the fact that, no matter how hard you try, you will never be more attractive than average, and may, in fact, even be ugly?

I feel like it's hopeless and I'm tired of trying to put effort in.
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Then stop putting effort in. If it isn't meant to be then get over it and put your care and time into other things like achievements. Be at peace with who you are and hold a reasonable world view and self concept.
Get talented at something. At the very least, be kind and polite. Compensate.
I'm actually successful and very talented at what I do, and I do have hobbies I put a lot of time into...

I'd just like to be attractive too. No matter how much effort I've put into improving myself in other ways. Should I just pay for plastic surgery? How weird is it to take a month off from work and come back more attractive?
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Well everyone would like to be attractive, especially in these days when we're raised by hollywood and ads. It's like it's put in us since birth that if you aren't attractive then you aren't cool and therefore not worthwhile. Not everyone can be attractive, and there is peace that comes with accepting that.

Plastic surgery can and has gone very wrong in the past, I suggest you save your money and learn to live with yourself as you are. You are way too worried about your attractiveness and it's draining you. And I think everyone would know if you took a month off and came back more attractive..
Realize that physical attractiveness is just one way of many to stick out, and nurture the strengths you already have. Gain confidence in your appearance, even if you're ugly or just average, because it really doesn't matter if you're not a supermodel. Nobody cares desu familia.

Confidence is attractive, and you will get more attractive the less insecure you act/are.

Chances are that you're just fine, too.

Source: uggo that got a girlfriend after I stopped beating myself up for being ugly.
>Nobody cares desu familia.
My bf cares. He already rarely wants sex; he's certainly not going to want it if I put in less effort.

There is something to be said for confidence tho. I'll try to be less insecure about it... I guess I should have confidence in just looking the best I can, even if the best I can do isn't great. Thanks.
well I have a fat fetish so I decided to intentionally get really fat, now I can't stop fapping to my own reflection
It honestly seems like you perceive that you have less self-worth than he does and that's literally one aspect of a woman that guys might find initially attractive, but quickly realise it's incredibly draining, needing to be one person's support for their confidence.
If you want to do it I'd say go for it

Only live once
Are you overweight/have some other issues with your body or are you just worried about your face? Because almost everyone can improve their body and it usually rises self confidence by quite a lot.
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