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How do you convince yourself to live healthy? I'm 27, a
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How do you convince yourself to live healthy? I'm 27, a bit antisocial, single, and find creeping thoughts of loneliness and despair get me in situations I regret. Like right now for example, I'm hung over and feel lower than I have for some time. I wouldn't say I'm an alcoholic, I don't have a physical dependence, but maybe a mental one. I've struggled with social anxiety, and it makes it hard for me to meet people or seriously talk to girls. I don't think I'm unattractive, I'm kind of tired of coming alone for family dinners and having there be discussions about kids and marriages. I feel a bit lost. I think I'll stop drinking though, the cons outweigh the pros, moreso now than ever.
>I think I'll stop drinking though

That's a good start. Really, it's about getting out of your comfort zone. Try new things.
One small step after another OP. When I started working out, everything else came much easier. Just gotta make the effort for the first thing.

I used to. I feel like I used to be a good person. I move around a lot, more than anyone I've ever known. I think that's effecting me. Originally I thought being able to uproot my life and move somewhere else was a strength, but now, I look at how few friends I have anymore, and I'm not so sure. I got in this slump I guess. I had my first panic attack half a year ago, and I think that's a symptom of all this. The one good thing is I finally have a career, but I'm definitely more alone than ever. Family is all I really have, but I'm thankful to have them.
You sound like a decent person. You care about your family, you care about your well being. I have anxiety, had a few panic attacks. Started to go to group therapy/support group. They give you tools on how to cope. Moving around from place to place is not really the answer, but try new things that you were afraid or unwilling to do before.

I'd struggle to go to support groups I think, but maybe that's apart of trying new things. I guess I'll have some research to do. Thanks for talking to me
If someone asked me a week before I decided to go to therapy if i'd be willing to go, I'd say no. A few weeks later I was in therapy. I wanted to change, I couldn't take the loneliness, and feeling anxious, etc. I knew something was off with me. I'm far from great at this point. But I have tried new things, things I'd thought I would never do. If I can, you can too.
You're gonna call me crazy OP, but have you ever thought of training in a sport like Brazilian jiu jitsu? It helped solve my depression when I was younger. You get a sense of brotherhood with the guys from your gym. Also it gives you a reason to want to be healthy because you want to give yourself an edge. Also constantly learning new techniques and just absorbing knowledge really have me something to pursue. Now it can be anything else though like boxing or MMA. I seriously think martial arts is a great tool though for people like you.
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