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>be me, senior in high school
>prom coming up, didn't plan on going
>eventually decide to go a week before
>frantically try to find a date in time
>end up not finding a date
>already ordered tux
>accept going to my senior prom alone
>get a call from a girl the day before prom
>her boyfriend canceled on her and asked me to go with her
>holy shit, she's hot, easy 9/10
>go to prom with her
>prom ends up being boring
>invite her and couple friends and their dates to my house
>sit next to her on the couch and start watching movie
>she starts to cuddle with me
>movie over, friends leave, she stays
>put in another movie just to spend more time with her
>she moves even closer, and is basically on top of me
>too beta to do anything more, but hey, who doesn't like cuddles
>second movie over, 7am
>take her home
>never really talked to her before that night
>she starts talking to me a lot after that
>talk/flirt for a couple days
>her friends say she likes me
>pretty juvenile but makes my life easier
>made it pretty obvious I like her as well
>she says she wants a relationship with me but she can't get over her boyfriend
>her boyfriend was saying a lot of fucked up shit through messages while we were at prom
>find out he was also emotionally abusive
>she only tells me she can't let go because of how long she's been with him
>says she confused because she wants to be with two people
>try to convince her that she needs to forget about him
>don't know if i made any progress
>also says we're moving too fast
>mfw she brought up being in a relationship first

A girl and I both want a relationship but she can't forget about her shitty (ex?)boyfriend.

I've been single all throughout high school, and this is probably my last chance to be in a relationship, and with someone very attractive too. What do?
Tell her that her boyfriend seems pretty shitty and she deserves better. (i.e. you)
Trust me, I have tried my hardest. I should be happy that she has some feelings for me but I feel like shit knowing that she also has feelings for him still.
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This is going incorrectly from the very beginning. You're desperate:
>I've been single all throughout high school, and this is probably my last chance to be in a relationship, and with someone very attractive too. What do?
For fuck's sake man, have some class and discipline. Realize that if you've been single all through high that that has been your fault for not working towards being not single. You can lift weights. You can plan meals and stick to a diet. You can find extracurricular activities. You can make friends. Don't be all fucking desperate just because you were too lazy to do things throughout high school.

Secondly, what in the flying fuck is up with all of this drama? She's got a boyfriend, but now she wants too boyfriends and she can't decide. What a fucking princess.

And look at your beta bitch boi ass:
>try to convince her that she needs to forget about him
Oh so you're going to fight for her with your words, how sweet. Look man, the girl has to make her own damn decisions. She's obviously more interested in chilling with her big dicked, emotionally abusive but so good in bed cause he's just got a HOOOLD on MEEEH boyfriend than in committing fully to you. This is obvious by her actions dude.

AND you people are talking about relationships?

Alright, here's how it should go:
>Her: I'm not over my boyfriend!
>You: OK, well feel free to take your time figuring that out, I'll be over here living my life
Viola. You go pickup other women while she figures shit out.
yeah gotta say OP, you are fucking up something big here. but given what you've done/said so far I'm not sure what I can expect you to be able to accomplish to unfuck this.

I will tell you that the way this is going currently, you never ever get the girl. you'll just end up being used and prob feeling really bad while she goes back to the shitlord exbf or some other guy.

thing is once you've established that you will put up with this kind of nonsense its really hard to get out of it. if you suddenly ultimatum her on some "choose me or him" it won't work out. but you need to extricate from this somehow. just get yourself out of this, slowly and cleanly. if you can bring her with you (you can't) that'd be great and its worth trying but above all you need to re-establish that you aren't the kind of fuccboi who a girl can lean on while complaining about this other cock that she can't give up bc reasons.
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Don't put up with her shit, man. I'm sorry but if she can't honestly choose to be with you over her ex she's clearly not ready to move on. You're better off closing the door and saying you can't accept that, make the decision for her.

There's also a chance that kind of act might make her realise you don't take shit and may cause her panties to drop for you. Seriously, go cold on a girl and it'll drive her crazy. Don't be mean about it, just show her that she's not your only option.
This. Tbh dude she sounds like she needs to grow up because if that ever happened to me I'd drop his ass for you anyday. Live your life, you might find someone more mature. Just know it doesn't happen overnight.
Dude move on. This chick ( as things stand) is a one night stand and you missed it so good on you.
Wait to see how things pan out. If she doesn't choose you, there's nothing you can do about that. Don't worry.
100 times this

Op is a faggot
OP here.
Didn't expect to come back to this thread but I come with an update.
She said she's done with him. I'm still gonna be a little cautious, but it's better than it was.

Sorry guys, pesimism isn't always right.
Ya did good kid. Now go forth and bone her

>She said she's done with him. I'm still gonna be a little cautious, but it's better than it was.
>Sorry guys, pesimism isn't always right.
I feel sorry for you.

This is how this is going to go. First of all, she's been fucking him after she went to prom with you. She literally went to prom with you.... then fucked him that week. I almost guarantee it.

Now she "says" she's yours. Talk is cheap. Women say lots of things and then do different things. Plus it's words. Texts are easy. Talk to me when she's actually yours, not when she says via an electronic device that she's chosen you like a pokemon.

Also, she's going to keep fucking her ex. She might take a break for a month or even a few months, but she will eventually play this card again:
>says she confused because she wants to be with two people
And then she'll fuck him. The story is so cliche that it'll go something like this:
>I tried my best to forget him
>But he texted me / I ran into him "accidentally" / I saw his friend somewhere / whatever and
>We met up again
>And I accidentally sucked his dick
... You don't have to believe me, but you'll find out the hard way.

... If this isn't bait.
You got to quit beating around the bush and get some PASSION going.
You know what will make her forget about her boyfriend? Not sweet texts, not flowers, find the right moment (like after fucking prom) and kiss the fuck out of her. Don't start feeling her up yet, hold her tight, kiss her just until you start to lose your mind, then drive her home, and tell her she's beautiful.
She will be fucking touching herself thinking about you for the next few days. Give her a minute before you give her the D give her the romance. She will forget about the other guy.
best advice

i was coming in here to say the same thing, homeboy beat me to it.

i know bitches, trust this shit
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