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Need relationship advice, guys! Last time i had a girlfriend
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Need relationship advice, guys!
Last time i had a girlfriend was years ago, and i didn't treat the relationship seriously. Now questions arise whether or not i should get myself another girlfriend.
Unfortunately i have great anger issues and will resort to beating when she won't obey me.
I don't know how far my aggression would lead, but i fear i won't be able to get into a relationship which won't result in a big problem for both of us. I do not believe in anger management and don't have the time nor will to try something like that.
What do?

im bored at work so im gonna pretend this troll post is serious

>i dont believe in anger management

thats not a thing.

>plus i dont have the time for it

if you dont have the time for a 1 hour session twice a week how can you say you have the time for a girlfriend?

>athiots 1
>republicans 0
Dude I can't tell if you're trolling or not but relationships are based on commitment and compromise, of you cannot commit to a couple hours a week or compromise to anger management, the relationships gonna die anywah
i dont believe in anger management, going to a talk session every once in a while won't be able to change my personality from the inside
Dude who not a narcissist but worried he is need to check this malignant mutherfucker out here!

>i dont believe in anger management

this isn't a thing. its juts something someone who has never tried something says cuz he doesnt want to do it.

and again if you dont have time for it you dont have time for gf.

all that being said
>wont be ale to change my personality form the inside

its anger MANAGEMENT, not anger change. it teaches you how to deal with your feelings in a constructive way that doesnt hurt others.
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