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Alright... So for the first time I had my dick sucked today and
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Alright... So for the first time I had my dick sucked today and when I came on her face it was a weird yellowish color. Should I be worried? Btw it can't be a std I've never had sex before!
Do you smoke?
This can happen for a few reasons. Happened to me once when I was about fourteen.
Multivitamins, being an old fucker, not having ejaculated in a while, certain STIs, smoking, possible prostate infections, urine, prolonged dehydration, eating foods with a high sulfur content, e.g. onions or garlic, and there are a few others I can't remember right off the top of my head.
>Don't worry about it, broham.
I smoke every once and a while, it's just my when I saw my yellow splurge on my girlfriends face I was concerned but still horny so I didn't mind it. But thanks guys!
This pretty much. Lots of shit can change the consistency and color and taste of your spunk. Diet is usually one of the first ones.
First of all, despite what you've seen in porn, you're not SUPPOSED to come on her face. That is an act of aggression and contempt for the girl.

Second, it sounds like Amata.
You're alright mate, probs first and foremost its your diet if you're otherwise healthy.
I get this from time to time, it's just what the other anons described.

Yesterday my cum was so white I said woah
had this since about 14. When I'd jizz in a wet dream it'd be white, when I'd jack off it'd be yellowish. Doc said something about the more sperm the more mucus is needed to carry or something so it comes out yellow
>tldr ur semen has a lot of sperm
You peed on her???
Wait it isn't supposed to yellow?

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