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So I need advice about MDMA I bought two hits and it'll
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So I need advice about MDMA
I bought two hits and it'll be my first time taking it
Should I take one hit or a half? Also how should I consume it ? Also can I drive within 3 hours?
I'm going to be going to a 80's themed club with some buddies and I want to have a good time

The guy said it was 88 pure crystal MDMA
>pic related
your plan sounds bananas

>new drug
>new place

Don't drive and make sure at least one of your bros can get you home.
What the fuck is a "hit"? Molly is sold by weight homie, and I wouldn't recommend more than like 30mg or so for your first time.
>the guy said it was
Means nothing. Just take one "hit" and have a good time.

Get a milligram scale and test kits if you want to be not too stupid about it.
>1 Buy a reagent kit
I buy from dancesafe.org, but it's really up to you. They're sold on Amazon too. Buy a kit that specifically tests for MDMA vs. other formulations, etc. This will allow you to test for the dominant compound and at least know, "Is it really MDMA?" There's lots of meth and other nasty shit being sold as MDMA.

>2 - A "hit" (aka a point) is 0.10 milligrams of the MDMA
I measure out my molly using a small scale into 0.10 caps. I buy empty plastic pills that I can break apart and fill with molly. I will also buy a cheap vitamin pack, break open the caps, empty the vitamins and fill them with MDMA. It just makes it so much easier to have it capped into points.

>3 Can I drive?
Most people cannot drive safely while rolling. Depending on how pure your stuff is and how sensitive you are to it, you might still be rolling 4 or 5 hours from now. I would not plan to drive a motor vehicle your first time rolling.
Oops, I meant to say 0.1 grams = point.
Is pic related your molly?
That don't look safe boi!
I usually snort half a cap and pop the other half later. Goal is to stay at the peak for as long as possible and snorting it gets me going fast and eating the other half will metabolize it slower and keep my second peak kind of at a larger amplitude. If I'm already coming down I might snort the other half. Best bet is to uber, I hate driving on stimulants I get really anxious.
Lol you got ripped off op
That's a packet of salt
Okay so I did "one hit" and I'm pretty sure there was meth in it because I can't sleep and I still fucjing feel after only taking .1 G 6 hours ago
I'm freaking out now
I'm never doing this again
>>17013011 Here to say I told you so.
You be dumb you be dumb so very very dumb
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