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Just ate an Angriest Whopper and it was spicy as fuck, my stomach
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File: angriest whopper.jpg (606 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
angriest whopper.jpg
606 KB, 1280x720
Just ate an Angriest Whopper and it was spicy as fuck, my stomach hurts now and i think i need to shit or i cant sleep in. its late here.

what can i do so i have to shit thats NOT drinking coffee?

thanks in advance.
youve posted this already
yes, i ate one a few days ago, had no idea how to help myself and stayed up until around 03:00.
Then why the fuck would you eat another one you dumb shit
Just don't eat it again next time, a normal whopper is bad enough.
i dont know dude its tasty. but if it makes you any happier i do regret it now and im currently posting from my toilet.

i wont eat it again
I ate one too and it wasn't spicy at all. What are you? fucking European or Yankie-American?

Try Thai or Indian food, it will blow your fucking mind if you think that was hot.

File: FB_IMG_1440772468276.jpg (34 KB, 739x742) Image search: [Google]
34 KB, 739x742
I don't recall anything remotely spicy about that
I had one the other day and didn't care for the crunchy things in it so probably wouldn't get another. It wasn't too spicy though even with the jalapeƱos.
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