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I don't know why I feel this way
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Im cool af, and good at almost everything (for real, no arrogance, just facts)
I am the most intelligent guy I know, also good at sports, funny, nice to people, always a helping hand, good body, friend of everyone, always the leader anywhere I go...
The thing is that I can't get a girl, is weird, like dating is something that have never been a part of me. I even got used to see how my friends were surrounded by pretendient (both my female friends and the males) and do their things in brilliant ways. I don't fear, is not like if I were a pussy, I'm really confident in my self, not arrogant though.
Ultimately, this never-dating thing has become some sort of obsession to me. Don't even know what kind of advive I'm asking for, maybe just opinions. Anyway, could somebody help me?
start planning your suicide
I had a boyfriend once who described himself like you did.

He literally had to say "but I'm not arrogant tho" all the time.
And guess what?
He was increadibly arrogant.

If you've really got all those things going for you then you must have some repulsive personality trait (like being arrogant, entitled, childish, etc) that drives women away. Not saying it's any of those in particular- but there has to be a turnoff or else women would have approached you by now.

Are you ugly? Post a pic if you don't know and I'll tell you
Well, I can say I am not arrogant because I only admit my own virtues in order to describe my self, like in this case. Actually most of my friends have said to my that I am "to modest" in most cases.
Yeah I agree, generally if someone comes out and says
>I'm not arrogant
they usually are. Same douchiness goes for
>I'm the most intelligent guy I know
>I'm a feminist
>I love women

Also wtf is pretendient
You sound like a huge cunt mate, no offense, just facts on my end as well.

Maybe you should do some soul searching and investigate if you are indeed as hot-shit as you claim.
A pretendient is somebody hitting on you (that's what I think, not sure becouse I don't manage English as good as I'd like)

And if I sound like a count was probably because I wanted to describe my good things first, but believe me, I'm normal.
File: stereotypingInEurope.png (206 KB, 500x542) Image search: [Google]
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Sorry OP but this thread reminded me of this
If i met some1 who describes themselves like that id think that he is arrogant cunt and turn my back on him in a second
I love how French people say French are both most and least arrogant.
Or that Poland says Germany is both most trustworthy and least trustworthy.
how can france view itself as most and least arrogant and poland view germany as most and least trustworthy
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