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Im a 20 year old female virgin, i feel gross asking this but
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Im a 20 year old female virgin, i feel gross asking this but iv been having the urge to give a guy a blow job for awhile now and i want to actually go through with it. However I want it to be an intimate moment, i dont want some random guy online or at a bar because it feels dirty and slutty and yes i know thats a little stupid but its just how i feel. Iv been thinking about it for awhile and i specifically want one of my co-workers or to a slightly lesser extent one of my friends because i feel its more comfortable and meaningfully which is a bigger turned on in an intimate sort of way. However my biggest fear is the guy bragging about it.

I want it to be just a little intimate moment between only us and the thought of them talking about it horrifies me. I dont know how i should i approach this situation. I have no sexual experience, i dont know how to approach the person with the proposition. I was thinking of getting either my friend or co-worker to drive me home and from there id bring it up, but im clueless to what exactly to say since i have no sexual experience except kissing and a big part of the turn on for me is to kind surprise him and get him turned on as much as possible. Mind you i dont want to have actual sex, i know it sounds weird but i want to keep my "virginity" for my husband, i just want to "suck a dick" and thats it

Can someone, specifically a guy tell me the honest opinion if you think my co-worker and friend would talk about it as well as how i should go about this? I can give more info if needed. I really want to "do it" but dont want my work or friends finding out because i know guys talk.

Additional details below
You're a fucking retard. You're one of those half brain twits that's going to be with men who lie straight to your face and then dump you out of the blue

I... i said i just wanted to experience it with someone i can be intimate with i didn't want to make it a thing or date them, the guys i like aren't even like that. I wanted to maintain my.. idk

> having the urge to give a guy a blow job
> I want it to be an intimate moment
> i dont want some random guy

2nd and 3rd statements are in conflict. This is why men have problems understanding women :-D

> thought of them talking about it horrifies me
Yea, giving your coworkers random blowjobs WILL have a consequences.

So you just go and get a bf by any means and then you can have your intimate moment without feeling like a slut.

Or you can just be a slut and give blowjob some random dude. Just make sure they don't know you. Rumors spread fast.
>I want it to be just a little intimate moment between only us
Lady, if you want intimacy, you should get a real relationship.

It's a very rare bird that wouldn't talk about such a thing happening. People love to gossip.
that is so sweet OP. like almost too sweet for you to be anon. Honestly the biggest thing you should be concerned about is finding the right person to date.

None of us know your co worker and therefore can not answer your question for certain, but I can tell you how i would react to someone who offered me that.

I would see this as a dating and romance opportunity with boundaries and discretion. It sounds fun and exciting, especially if you two really hit it off! Can you imagine the fun you could have with him when things are slow at work, or maybe on lunch break?
Good luck young lady, let us know how it turns out!
Its not that complicated im just making it complicated so im sorry.

I only want the one, im not attracted to these guys in a dating sort of way. The "intimate moment" thing is me trying to say i want to get off pleasuring a friend fuck but i dont want to make anything of it, just a thing that happens a few times and thats it. I cant get off screwing a random guy because it is gross and it makes me uncomfortable. Im not in a position to look for a boyfriend because im looking for the one and i know that stupid. If i happened to find "the one" of course i would've gone with him but i haven't.
the co-worker is in his mid 30s and he's the super visor at the warehouse i work at. He somewhat keeps to himself since everyone sees him as the boss. We're kinda friends but more so its work. He's really cool tho and he's nice, he's given me a lift a few times before.

my friend is my age but he's in college and working part time. He's a sweet guy who goes to church and all. I dont think he'll tell but he has a social circle and we share friends.

I should've prewrote this

I know im attactive because guys hit on me when im with friends and im always getting 8 rating on /soc/

the co-worker is in his mid 30s and he's the super visor at the warehouse i work at. He somewhat keeps to himself since everyone sees him as the boss. We're kinda friends but more so its work. He's really cool tho and he's nice, he's given me a lift a few times before.

my fear is that i know im attractive because guys hit on me when im with friends and im always getting 8 rating on /soc/ and one of my other friends said guys like to brag about pretty girls.

There's 1 guy that im friends with that's disconnected and doesn't know anyone i know personally so he couldn't really ruin my life. The only thing tho is im probably the least attracted to him but i think he's the safest choice.
>i want to get off pleasuring a friend
>don't want to make anything of it
>keep it a secret

Pick any two, basically, you won't get all three.
Think of long term. You meet someone 3 months down the line. You speak about how you're a virgin. Then you tell him you blew one of your co-workers. I imagine that conversation going well. Or you have to resort to hiding it. So now you're hiding things about your past. All for the sake of being an idiot enough to not think things through.

Go online, see if you can meet someone who you mesh with, you might even find someone for a relationship. Don't just blow some random guy, triple especially someone you work with, foolishly expecting them to keep quiet. Even if they would, is it really worth running the risk?

Use your brain.
OP I don't mean to offend you but you sound incredibly naive for a twenty year old. And I don't mean that in a cute innocent way, but in a not realizing how the world works way.

As the other anon pointed out, oral sex isn't "not sex". You have someone's genitals in your mouth, you see someone experiences sexual pleasure you give them. Of course you can come up with any rules for yourself that you like, but be aware that a guy who appreciates a virgin girl is not going to think of you as pure and virginal because you had no penetrative sex when you had someone's dick in your mouth. Again this doesn't have to be a concern if it's just about how you feel, just know this is a possibility, that someone would still make you feel that you went too far or whatever despite not having intercourse.

Secondly, for the love of god, don't shit where you eat. Fooling around with a friend is one thing, with a coworker quite another. If he runs his mouth you are deeply humiliated and cannot move comfortably around your own workplace anymore.

And then there's the whole point of wanting to meet "the one" and saving yourself for that... there's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to wait for someone you love, who touches you deeply. But please don't get too hung up on the whole one soulmate thing. There are lots of people we can make a good connection with, a minority of them more strongly and more profound than we can achieve with others. But this is something to work for as well and attaching too much value to an abstract notion of Mr Perfect can actually stunt you very much in understanding how you know someone is right for you.
You'll be so thankful if you save everything for your life partner. You're already the type to want to save your virginity for him (and presumably the type to value guys who also value this sort of thing), so giving into these temptations will only lead to regret.
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