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How to know you pissed off a girl?
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So there's this girl I've known for about 4 months. She's gone to a bar. Bigger girl, but pretty cute. My friend that knows her before I knew her told me that her thing is to be flirty with guys for drinks, so I've never bought her a drink. I've gotten friendly with her but not really done anything else.

Anyway, since I notice that she likes to hang out with other guys a lot, I didn't think it was anything special when she'd play flirty games with me. Two weeks ago, I was in the bar, and I came up to her. Im usually kind of the odd guy out or the silent type that people are wielded out by.

She had another guy friend there with her when I came up to her, and she was all like, hi how are you what have you been doing, friendly like. I've tried to be more outgoing like my guy friend that goes to the bar so I introduced myself to the other guy, then she said dont worry about him our stuff is past, and then she was scratching the back of my head with her hand.

I was like what, because I was kind of attracted to her this whole time but I wasn't really invested since it seemed like I knew her as just kind of the flirty girl that hangs around with multiple guys.

Anyway. right after that they both went outside and had a talk. Next week, long story short, she was with a friend, who was like her physically in a lot of ways but much older. When this first girl sat next to me, she was kind of flirty, but then when she brushed by side with her hand she said sorry. She went to get a drink and spent 10 minutes talking to a guy there. In that time I got to know her friend, who then got really flirty with me and started doing that side breast rub shit while taking a picture.

The first came back and we had a three person picture, and then were swaying to some music and (plot twist), my penis kind of brushed the first girls legs once or twice during this.

The second older one started getting handsy with me, so we were at the bar and she guided my hand up her thigh under her skirt
So after the bar starts closing, we start up in the parking lot. Real handsy shit.

I have to leave to so I go home and they do. That was yesterday.

Tonight, the first girl is keeping her distance and isnt as flirty as usual. The second one was also keeping her distance, but we still had friendly talk.

I left early and the first one did the usual side hug she has always done, and the second did a full hug.

The whole thing is confusing as fuck. Did I screw up? is it just because theyre more sober and it has nothing to do with me?
stop over analyzing everything, holy shit.

when girls, or people in general, get drunk, they get a lot more handsy and outgoing. that's most likely what happened if they were drinking, which means to some extent they were attracted to you but now that they're sober they're probably not as apt to show it. when i get drunk, if i find a guy decently attractive, i'll get handsy. when i get sober though, i revert back to my normal self.

i doubt either is pissed off, they were probably both more flirty than usual that night, it's a confident boost for some girls to get attention that way.

but there's no way to know for sure unless you do something about it.
Yeah I overanalyze a lot mostly because i fear being the creep or weirdo.

sorry will do better
if they were that handsy with you, i can assure you you weren't coming off as a creep or weirdo.

you're only seeing yourself as one because again, you're over analyzing things.

just calm down and enjoy yourself. if things don't work out, there are plenty of other drunk girls out there. try inviting the girls out for drinks, if they accept then you'll know they're probably interested.
You're thinking into it too much. Just let things be. You said you two aren't anything special, right? If she wants the D, give it to her. If not, no loss, right?
Your post pissed me off. I don't even know what you're trying to say but all I know is that I'm confused and angry.

10/10 troll.
10/10 anger managenet.
>Bigger girl
lmao manlet

>I left early and the first one did the usual side hug she has always done, and the second did a full hug.

all this details
lmao do you also take note of their pupil diameter when they talk to you
>lmao do you also take note of their pupil diameter when they talk to you

Im not advanced enough for this skill yet.
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