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Teaching English abroad with a criminal record?
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Anyone ever teach abroad with a record? I will have a Master's degree soon, but I recently incurred three misdemeanor charges (all from one incident).

South Korea is the only location that I have seen 100% does FBI background checks and anything but a spotless record will keep you out. I am certainly qualified or overqualified for most of these jobs (and I'm reading about people with no degrees getting them).

I am interested in:
Saudi Arabia

I'm open to other areas but I gather that these pay the best are the most legit/least exploitative.
I guess it depends on the charge. what did you do?
In china you don't even need a college degree and misdemeanors won't even be looked at, as long as you can speak English fluently
I've got a buddy teaching English in Beijing just now. It's just a temporary thing while he figures out what he wants to do/where he wants to be in life. I think his pay is decent for what he does - circa $2000+ a month, while I'm on about double that with the same engineering degree from the same uni, but in England.

I know it was pretty hard to get started. He pretty much had to actually go there before anyone would offer him anything. I think it's to do with a lot of people saying they'll do it, and then the agency sorting out paperwork, before they bail out because it's so far to go.

I know once he got there, he sorted something out within the week. He is a very white, very tall westerner though which helps. And finally, to answer your question, I'm sure the security checks are pretty lax, as he has a few silly things on his record, too. What'd you get done for?
Op, I'm this guy BTW

Out of all the countries to teach in, I highly recommend Taiwan. Great food, 10/10 people that love foreigners, kids are not near as bad as they are in Korea, beautiful country, and so on.

Also YMMV, but IMO Taiwanese girls are the cutest Asians, and they love foreign white guys.
Bumping for interest. I have a misdemeanor DUI on my record so I am curious if I could do something like this. I just need a back up in case I can't get a teaching job here in the US.

I got pulled over and had weed + a grinder on me. the cop felt the need to hit me with my state's equivalent of a DUI even though I blew a 0.000.

I'm not white. I'm the opposite of white.... "hip-hop" you might say. Maybe they'll mistake me for a rapper or an NBA player, Im pretty good at basketball

but nah seriously I am tall, clean cut, professional, educated, and black. Race generally has not been an obstacle in my life but having a criminal record seems to change things
Damn bro. You sound like a badass to be honest
>but nah seriously I am tall, clean cut, professional, educated, and black

Funny how you missed out the part where you're addicted to illegal psychotropic drugs.
You should be able to get a teaching job just fine. I had a high school teacher with multiple DUIs and he still kept his job in one of the highest salaried counties in our state
I had the same thing happen to my brother. His advice from his PD was "if anyone questions it, mention that you were coming back from vacation in Colorado or another green legal state."

Worked for him, he's making bank in a government sector now
Okay. Thanks for the positive news my friend. I just worry because I will be doing my student teaching in the fall and I don't want to not be able to find a job when I complete it.
I know one Israeli guy who was teaching English in China in a school without a work visa or anything for two years. He had a heavy Israeli accent and told everybody that he is Canadian lol. Also I know one girl who had a 1000 dollar income a week just from one guy she was tutoring for a few hours a day. China is a gold mine, you should get hired in a good place and then charge ridiculous money for tutoring. They are very rich in the big cities and there are almost no white people around. Even having a work visa is not necessary half of the time, most schools have an understanding with the police.
double bump
The only place that might not take you is Japan--they're pretty strict when it comes to prior criminal records even if it's something as trivial as possession.

Just be honest if you apply anywhere and see what happens. Lying won't help at all. As long as you haven't committed some sort of heinous crime you should be okay!

I will certainly apply to everything I see when that time comes
bump fags
I taught English in Spain last year and I was never asked for ID or about my criminal record

that's awesome. Did you apply over the internet or were you already in Spain?
I did a university exchange, asked around at private academies and got part time jobs in two if them
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