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how do i become more interesting? i'm a painfully boring girl. i have no interests/hobbies other than browing 4chan and reddit, no passions. i haven't watched enough anime, read enough manga or played enough games to qualify as a nerd either. most other normie girls i know have fun lives and many friends so they always have something to talk/gossip about.

how would you fix my situation if you were in my place?
Pick things you're interested in and stick at them. Make it a goal to try something new every week or every other week until you find something you genuinely enjoy, but don't get discouraged if it takes a while. Sometimes (especially when you get older) you have to work at your interests.
Im not a girl but I stopped playing vidya and watching anime several years ago to focus on my career. I got into guns and competitions as well as went back to boxing. Read on the side and tinker with electronics/computers. Think arduino and bash.

Still no gf though but these things help pass the time and provide a wide variety of goals that I can work on.
Do it like this Jim Carrey movie 'Yes man' and just say yes to every opportunity that unfolds to you. No matter if it sounds stupid at first, just give it a try with no exceptions!
>i haven't watched enough anime
watch more
>read enough manga
read more
>played enough games
play more
Try having sex outside
Being interesting is an illusion, or rather a skill. You can live the most boring life imaginable and still appear interesting to strangers.

But that requires social skills. You need to learn how to talk, nigger, not how to be interesting. You don't have to know shit to have the kind of discussions your normie girls have mate. Now I'm no expert on that, but surely there's tons of books out there that can teach you how to have a conversation without leaking your spaghetti or putting the people around you to sleep.
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there's nothing to fix except how much of a faggot you are. what are you, 14? social anxiety is something everyone is meant to overcome during their teens, but the way you handle it will characterize a good deal of your adult life.

your problem isn't framed on wanting to be interested in something. it's in wanting to be interesting. and that's exactly what someone uninteresting would say. just do whatever. watch decent anime and fall into the pit of elitism. watch shit anime and be a disgusting moefag. it doesn't really matter. everyone ends up where they lead themselves to.
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