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Is this a good chair? http://www.amazon.com/Seating-Profe ss
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Is this a good chair?
Was thinking of getting the meme markus chair but I've heard too many horror stories of it fucking up posture and not feeling good on the lower back

Current chair: www.amazon.com/Flash-Furniture-GO-ST-6-BK-GG-Mid-Back-Computer/dp/B0049FVB2I/
Pretty budget-y chair. Would be fine but when you lean back in it (Even if you lock it and tighten it) it goes way too far back. It also started randomly sinking like 6 months in.

My experience with fancy chairs is that if you aren't willing to drop $500, don't bother. I sit all day at work, and I have been running a $30 foldable plastic chair with no padding for the past 6 months. Then again, I sleep on the floor.
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