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1. I don't have a facebook. 2. Would it be autistic / unethical
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1. I don't have a facebook.

2. Would it be autistic / unethical to create a fake profile (e.g. ELVIS PRESLEY INDONESIA FANCLUB!!!") and add the girl I like with it in the hope she accepts?
Talk to her in real life you faggot

You might actually get laid that way
This isn't an option.
Then don't talk to her, its a waste of time
Wasted time aside, is my idea autistic / unethical?
It is most definitely autistic, is basically spam-bot tier
You could just make your own Facebook, and add her. Then its was less creppy and autistic....

Why don't you have a facebook
Not op, but making a Facebook to just add 1 person is stupid af

What's step two? She accepts your friend request, then what?

Best-case scenario, you're just creating weird elaborate circumstances to draw out the time before you actually introduce yourself and ask her out and let her decide. The answer would probably be the same if you just asked her out tomorrow. Either she's into you or she's not
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