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Okay /adv/ I've never posted here before but I don't
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Okay /adv/ I've never posted here before but I don't want to tell anyone in real life about this and I don't know where else to tell anyone.

When I'm alone in my house, maybe just surfing the web or watching T.V., I'll stop what I'm doing, get up, pace around and start to have fake, out-loud conversations with either myself, someone I'm about to talk to, or some outlandish other shit. Like if I'm going to visit my mom, I might anticipate what she'll ask and, out-loud, have the whole conversation with her, just guessing what she'd say to my replies. Or other times it'll be something weird, like I have a poster of Rocky 1, 2, and 3 on my wall, so I might get up and start having a conversation with the ring announcer after I won a boxing match, making up a whole story for myself as I go, again, out-loud to no one. And then when I get deep into it I'll realize I'm doing it and it's fucking crazy of me, then switch the conversation to myself and have an out-loud conversation with myself about talking to myself. Or have an out-loud conversation with a therapist about it if I ever visited one, and say what I think she would say and then reply to it and it's like hard as fuck to snap out of. Depending on how long I'm alone, it can last a very long time. So am I fucking crazy or not? Has this ever happened to someone?
I do this a lot, not sure how normal this is... but I've done this since I was like 6 yrs old. (No I'm not some loner). I'm pretty popular, I'm dating a really beautiful girl as well (6 yrs in). I think of it as a way to remove stress/anxiety.
>When I'm alone in my house, maybe just surfing the web or watching T.V., I'll stop what I'm doing, get up, pace around and start to have fake, out-loud conversations with either myself, someone I'm about to talk to, or some outlandish other shit. Like if I'm going to visit my mom, I might anticipate what she'll ask and, out-loud, have the whole conversation with her, just guessing what she'd say to my replies

I do this bro
...I'm not going to say you're not crazy because I'm kind of fucked up myself, but I think others do it, its a form of practising social contact maybe it you are devoid of it, and nervous about anticipated social situations, it no different that practising to ask a girl out in front of a mirror or something.

You're fine.
See told you bro.
I use to do the same

Haven't done it in a long time now.

I'm taking Zoloft and buspar and it's been keeping all that in my head.
I do this in my head all the time and sometimes ill sudenly stop talking in my head and say it aloud. If your really worried just see a therapist, but it my experience it hasnt really had a negative impact on my life at all minus the weird look if anyone hears me, also my brother and father do it occasionaly.

Don't worry dude. I think pretty much everyone turns into a crazy person when nobody else is looking. If you hid a camera in my bedroom or in my car without telling me, it'd be YouTube gold.

You're only crazy if you aren't aware of the crazy shit you do, and the need to hold it in a bit around other people
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