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Virgins' hope !
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To all the virgins of the world, in this day of Valentine Day, don't give hope.

For every virgin waiting there is somebody.

Good night !
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There is somebody and don't fucking rush it.

I've got news for you
What shitty advice. Don't tell people that there is someone waiting for them. If you do nothing but wait, you will remain a virgin. Instead, you must be proactive, and go out there.

I didn't say "Wait for someone" but "go looking for him/her, he/she has to be somewhere".
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There is nothing wrong with being a virgin. Shit all heads downhill after that first touch of pussymeat.

hey now hey now
you're making it sound like love is a pair of lost socks. it's not, yo.

hear what I say now
Are there really people walking around whose primary goal is to get laid? It's not exactly hard...

I mean I'm saving myself for marriage (for religious reasons) or I could've fucked at least one of several candidates.

>the human body is literally wired for sex, for god's sake

Yes they are some.
>Hardline christian fuccboi in a thread for men that went to get laid, but lack the confidence or whatever to accomplish that goal and have embedded this idea into their mind
>Only contribution is "its not hard for people to get laid" and revealing the fact that his religious beliefs don't even support the goal of the thread

You know what's also fun? Going on a site for drug addicts to some drug you've never been on and indirectly telling them their addiction is immoral and easy to quit, then asking a rhetorical and subtly condescending question about the existence of their addiction.
Okay.. and how do you propose they do that or work towards that goal on V-day?
>religious reasons

You fucking post on 4chan. On 4chan.

And the funny thing is I know super religious people none of them are virgins.
They either married young or made 'mistakes'.
You must not know the religious very well. Kek. I know them intimately.
I know them well enough, people who would lecture you about the most minor infractions and post religious crap on their facebook.
There was somebody but she rejected me.

It depends on why we're virgin: for me it's because I'm shy. So I need to work on my social skill.
So, you need to work on your social skills?
How do you think you could do that?

By forcing myself to meet other people, to be more confident, acquiring more skills.
Im sure there is, OP. Too bad she's a fat ugly hambeast like me. I don't want me so i sure as shit dont want her. I'm very confident I'll be losing my virginity to a whore because at least she'll be attractive. This way I can experience, even briefly, what it's like to be attractive.

Fuck I hate my life and I hate this day. I need more alcohol.
Can't believe people still believe in virginity.
This is shifty advice .
Better advice :
Stop choosing to be lonely, stop pretending being a virgin or being alone is a bad thing. Stop putting the opposite gender on a pedestal
>the 'one' is your female counterpart

A horrifying vision.
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Flyceratops I usually like your posts but you're being ignorant on this one. It is very hard for some people.

There are plenty of different factors that result in someone getting laid, from their confidence, height, appearance, voice, location, and experience are all important elements. And for many of people here they just don't have some of those key points, some are very difficult to change.

So don't say it's easy.
Facebook is for attention whores
>You know what's also fun? Going on a site for drug addicts to some drug you've never been on and indirectly telling them their addiction is immoral and easy to quit, then asking a rhetorical and subtly condescending question about the existence of their addiction.
Have you ever actually spoken to an addict? This is exactly how my conversations with them usually go.
>people who would lecture you about the most minor infractions and post religious crap on their facebook.
Wow, they sound very religious. You sure proved your point.
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>don't give hope.

Thank dude, appreciated...

Yes. Getting laid would be a good start.
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