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Became enlightened to the existence of alphas, betas and cucks
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Became enlightened to the existence of alphas, betas and cucks today. Realised I am a beta in a relationship being cucked. Tell me how to go from beta to alpha and turn my situation around.
>being cucked

Like literally?
get outta the fuckin relationship, you're being cucked! Fuck that bitch slash hoe slash stupid mofucka. Get the fuck away from her and there is something better. Do whatever it is you gotta do to survive and better yourself in any way that you can. By making yourself a better man, you will attract better women. If this surprises you, you didn't pay any attention in biology.
You know that alphas and betas are just a shorthand in the Internet, right?

The people here aren't using the terms in a serious way. Alpha just means someone who is willing to take charge, not afraid to take risks, and (usually) fucks lotsa sluts.

Betas are pansies who follow the lead of others and aren't courageous enough to ask a girl out.

Cuck is even worse. It is supposed to refer to a man who is being cheated on, who has knowledge of the cheating but does nothing. Here it's a catch-all insult.

Why don't you describe your situation and actually ask for advice? You can turn your personality around on a dime, if you could you'd already have "solved" your problem.
As far as turning that shit around, it's impossible. You can work at it forever and win over the woman who values other men over you (and thereon turn your situation around), or you can hit "new game" and start from scratch. Get ing the fuck out of that re la tion ship is pretty important. Start a new one.
Backstory: I'm not being cheated on, but she cuts our time together short in favour of spending ridiculous amounts of time with very close male friends of hers. I've been giving her everything in exchange for barely anything from her. She flirts with her friends in public to the point of obscenity. I've talked to her about it before, having asked her to change. She agreed, and she did.

Problem: Today is Valentine's Day where I am. She's told me she's too busy to talk to me online (only method of communication now) but she's got no problem chatting away with her other male friends.

I've also examined my own personality, finding many beta traits and few, if any alpha traits. I will become an alpha, if there are others who can show me how.
I would like to change the fact that she values other men over me by becoming superior to them.
Just be confident and know where you're going. If it hurts you, tell her, be honest. Don't bottle up your feelings.
You need to ignore what she thinks of you. Fuck that bitch!
/r/theredpill is a great starting point

you won't turn alpha overnight but at least you'll have some sort of framework. Start by leaving the girl and lifting
>If it hurts you, tell her, be honest. Don't bottle up your feelings.
this is the kind of advice that led to him being cucked in the first place
'Know where you're going' referring to having a sense of direction in the relationship?

Damn right
that's not correct and fuck you and that's all i'm saying
Bullshit, if you're emotionally vulnerable and don't give a fuck what the other person thinks, it makes you alpha as fuck. It's a paradox. It shows that you aren't afraid to show your true feelings, and if she doesn't like what she sees, it doesn't matter to you and can move on no problem because you're emotionally stable. Which turns her on, because at the core, you don't give a fuck.
It's nothing to do with you. It's her. That's her personality and frankly nothing you do will make a difference.
alphas are handsome as fuck betas are not

are you handsome? (handsome can mean cute, hot, sexy etc)
You can't be so certain it's pure genetics, it's not pure genetics. you're high. I'm drunk. There's a difference.

so if you like to party
I am not handsome.
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Watch The Golden One.
As a happily married woman, let me give you this advice: Leave her. Don't let her know she is the reason, just say you're not that into the relationship anymore and you've feel like you've lost the connection.

I say this because if she was truly committed and down for you, she'd be wanting to see you, thinking about you, etc. Don't put her pussy on a pedestal. If she is choosing other people over you, let it go. Let a ho be a ho. I know it sucks for you and you will be sad and lonely for a while. From personal experience, value yourself enough to move on.
you have a shown a kindness..............
>sane woman with good advice
Why don't we have more of you around here?
All of it.
That's why I wrote to be confident and to know where he's going.
Good advice, sure. Sane? No... But I have been on both sides of this coin.


These could be right too. Be matter of fact, if you can pony up and not give a fuck.
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