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I'm socially awkward
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How to make friends?

Also do you guys wanna chat
If you're still at uni, you can join clubs.

If you've finished uni and are currently friendless like me, then I have no idea.

4chan is of very little help, more so these past few months.

I haven't seen the NEET thread in quite a while.
Yeah I think truckerfag stopped posting here to avoid me. Those threads were just sad anyway.

I'm in my late 20s and doing school with a bunch of 19 year old kids. Kind of a blah situation. Also I don't have any bfs and that sucks.

My best friend is a cat and she bites me.
I found truckerfag to be a smug prick.

Anyway you could still join one of the nerdier clubs, I doubt they'd have high standards.

If there was only one other thing that I regretted aside from not working harder, it is not joining the anime club.

>My best friend is a cat and she bites me.
Get a new cat?
Why bother. You don't need friends anyway. They will only disapoint you later.
Well I love my cat. Sometimes it sucks that she bites so much and idk why she's so mean and angry all the time but she's also affectionate and soft.

Idk about clubs. Never tried anything like that. Guess maybe worth the effort. Maybe I don't even want friends. Wanted them when I made the thread but now I'm bored with the idea.

Truckerfag seems okay I guess. He needs to get his shit together though.
Meh. Why are you so sad?
>maybe i don't want friends
You're in your late 20s, you must know by now how the days can drag on without anyone to talk to.
Not really. I have a job and do school. Have to clean a ton and exercise. Who has the time to spend to experience days dragging on? There are never enough hours in the day.

Trip gone because other boards
Well on some days it's like that for me since I compressed all my work hours into three 15 hour shifts. I did this so I could look for a better job, though I spend most of it on 4chan and youtube.

But regardless, don't you ever get lonely?

What do you study by the way?
I study poorly these days. Loneliness is normal. We all experience it, whether with friends or no. Think I'd rather have a bf than a friend desu
get some heroin and chill with the junkies in your area.
as long as you habe a fix to share they'll love you :D

Your become a carpenter, always works
clubs are stupid because night life social stuff is way different to real life
>We all experience it
Yeah, but people with friends can call up other people if they're feeling lonely. Meanwhile billy-no-mates just spends another night in front of the telly.

>Rather have a bf than a friend
I wouldn't mind just having someone to talk to.

What do you study poorly anyway?
Im working on this too
I try finding my flaws.... i leant i tell stories too much....... i got some more ideas
Like make uraself look more attractive gym, clothes etc... people are generally attracted to attractive people... be more confident.... learn more on pop culture and current affairs so you can have discussions with those you meet sports/ music/Donald Trump -"when i was a young man my father gave me a *small* loan of a million dollars" .. .you can also join clubs... n you got kik? Or live in america?
Guess I'm lazy is why I study poorly. Or something. Made a thread about that yesterday I think. Probably spend too much time on Internet stuff
you can pick up an instrument, you'll meet people learning and even if you can't play good at all people who can't play will listen and be like oh wow this is cool even basic piano can sound great
Well, 4chan is a giant timesink. Not even a good one at that.

What do you do for fun? Aside from visiting this dreck of a website.

You want to talk? I can, do you have steam?
I cook and watch Netflix. And pet my cat until she bites me.

Used to game pretty hardcore (MMOs) but not anymore.

pls respond >>16800473
No I don't want to talk on steam.

why not, you scared? fucking chicken
It's a whole thing. Downloading steam, making account.

Why not just chat here?
Not to be rude but that doesn't sound like the greatest life though I don't have it any better. Don't you feel like your wasting your prime years?

I usually feel like I'm wasting my youth, not going anywhere or joining in anything. I remember walking home from work one late night and going past hordes of people in plain t-shirts who were all covered in patches of coloured powered.
I was wearing my dull uniform. Felt real left out.
Yeah sorta. But what can you do, really? I've never mixed well with people.
I just go to work then come home to my wife and internet friends

If I were really desperate for more company I'd probably just pay for it at this stage..
Pay for company? You mean like a prostitue or just pay people to hang out with you.

Once you're married you don't even really need friends. That's like the end goal of it all anyway.
>Well what can you do, really?
I don't know but I'm not sure if I can take another 30 years of it.
Then get bf. Someone who cares about you.
I'm a dude. We can't get friends, what makes you think we can get a significant other?

Also, I'm not fairie, I think she left a few hours ago.
You're in college, which makes it pretty easy. I'm 23, 24 in june. I'm surrounded by 18 year olds which makes it awkward at times, but just talk to people about the class content or a club. My closest friend basically started out as someone to study with.

Consistent interaction is how you build relations which eventually develop into friendships.
...and for those who have finished uni?
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