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Masturbation help
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I can't stop masturbating. Every morning, I jerk off looking at shit on my phone.

If I come home from work in the evening, and have the place to myself (not as often as I'd like) i crank one out.

I literally do this shit on the daily.

I didn't do it today (yet) and I'd prefer not to, my dick is raw in spots and needs to heal up, but I just can't stop jerking off.

I have a very active sex life too, but I'd almost always much prefer to just jerk off alone.
why does the webm not load??
There is no secret dude.


Unless you gain health problems, it stops you from doing important tasks, or if you start cumming/peeing blood, there is nothing wrong with jerking it a lot

Who cares what a bunch of anons on 4chan say "oh it makes me Happier." Bullshit.
What browser are you using?
Hey I was a two pack a day smoker for 10 years and I quit cold turkey.

Sounds unrelated but it totally is related. After many attempts and swift failures someone told me something (complete with citations) and once i convinced myself and fully embraced its truth quitting was easy.

You are not addicted to masturbating. You are addicted to the dopamine rush it gives you. Dopamine is the only thing you are addicted to, and you can get it just about anywhere else.

You just need to realise when you get the urge to masturbate, your body is actually craving dopamine and you have taught it thats a good quick way to get it.

Just do something else you like knowing its just as pleasurable. Watch a funny vid, play a vidja, go for a run.. Anything else.

Most of the addiction was being told you are addicted.
Nah, most of the addiction, is waking up in the morning with a boner, and having a phone full of black chicks twerking right next to me on the night stand.
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