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How do uglier guys get decent chicks?
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How do you guys (M) deal with being unattractive? Like id really love to end up with a nice girl that does not need to be picture perfect or anything, just an average looking girl with some of the same values and quality's as me.

Trouble is I'm pretty unappealing in terms of facial structure body type and the way I dress.
Hygiene and all that is tip top and I usually come off a presentable but the innate quality stay the same (minis the fashion).

I'm skinny not fat, not REALLY skinny but bordering, 19,67kg and about 6.2ft I already know I can improve my body at the gym.

Anyway since besides gym, what else can i do to become more attractive to chicks in the future? For ugly guys is the only option to work towards really big money? Not whining about it just hoping for a realistic answer so I can find out what goal I need to work towards.
women genuinely do not care as much about looks as you would imagine, and anyways they rate like 80% of men as "below average" so most dudes are in the same boat and get dates anyways. Female appraisal of male physical attractiveness is warped and often has little to do with actual physical appearance.

Pretty much what anon said.

The best example I can think of, is getting to know somebody versus just looking at them.

I met a girl and thought she was "OK" in the looks department, but then I got to working with her over time and got to see her personality and now she's the woman of my dreams and probably the prettiest girl on the planet.

It's pretty much the same thing for girls, if you get to know somebody your attraction for them can skyrocket.

If you're relying on online dating though you're fucked.
Exactly. We donĀ“t care about looks, we want somebody fun, intelligent and who is a good listener and can fuck. The more into looks a guy is, the more annoying and just into himself he is. Uglier guys and chubby guys generally have accepted who they are externally and are much cooler to be with.
Looks will be gone soon, but the person inside will be the same.
>Don't care about looks

10/10 on the bullshit scale.
>19,67kg and about 6.2ft
First three replies are dead-on. Look at it this way: Your 'unattractiveness' works for you as a filter. It filters out the superficial girls. When you find someone who IS attracted to you, you'll know that they looked inside you and saw all your good qualities.
To attract a woman you need to be ALL of the following
>Not a creeper
>Good body

To get a Guy, women need to:
>Turn up
Shhh! Anon! You'll shatter their fragile world view and they might get upset!
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