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How bad is it to drop out of university? I don't like what I'm studying and I feel it's just a waste of time. Some people are telling me university is supposed to suck and I should just man up and get my degree so I can have a decent job later. I feel like this is just a trap that will lead me into being a wagecuck doing something I don't enjoy. I'm thinking of just moving to the UK and working some jobs, saving up money and trying to get an idea of what I want to do in life.

>you aren't a special snowflake
>you don't have a dreamjob
>there is nothing in life just waiting for you
>there won't be a sudden rush of happiness when you drop out

You are a failure, repeat this to yourself. Every single half-minded person in this world went to uni and got their diploma, family and enjoyed their life.

You will never amount to anything you fucking r9k dweller.

Thanks for the quality post.
If you wanted someone to comfort you and lie to you maybe you should've went to reddit.com.
I felt that university was a waste and I didn't like what I was studying so I dropped out after 3 semesters. I don't regret it, but I plan on freelancing and starting my own projects.

I'm teaching myself HTML right now, but if you don't have a plan of what you want to do I'd say stay in university or learn a trade.

There's nothing wrong with receiving criticism for my idea, I actually appreciate any feedback, good or bad. However I don't see the need to go off-topic and imply that I go on r9k or that I haven't achieved anything in life. Besides not being able to figure out what I want to do in life I've got my shit together and have done a lot that I'm proud of.
Having a degree opens a lot of door, even if you don't work in the field you studied. Also, the number of people who dropped out and became wildly successful are greatly outnumbered by those who don't. alternatively, trade schools is a good option, as well if there's one that speaks to you.

That said, getting a good job seems to be 90% being at the right place, at the right time, and knowing the right people, regardless of education level.
>Besides not being able to figure out what I want to do in life I've got my shit together and have done a lot that I'm proud of.
Like what? I'm currently at the same place like you and I just wrote to you what I fell towards myself.

I will probably want to study something later on, but I just really don't like studying chemistry and I think I'd fail anyway because I'm completely unmotivated to study something that I find boring.


I hope this doesn't sound like I'm bragging:
I used to be your typical r9k poster, no friends, no gf, didn't know how to talk to people, scrawny, no fashion sense, low self-esteem. I put in effort and turned that all around, I've got a muscular body with a 6pack and decent strength records at the gym (205kg deadlift at 80kg bodyweight), 2.5 year relationship, racked up 1000 friends on Facebook (not that the number of friends has to mean something but you can't really get that much without learning how to socialize and become likable). I've become confident enough to chat up girls on the subway and have hooked up a couple of times at parties with girls. I've travelled to 20 countries, hitchhiked across Europe for a week with $10, recently went on a solo trip to Georgia. I've worked in three different countries doing stuff ranging from working on a 30 story building replacing bricks to working in a restaurant in the center of Edinburgh. I'm proud of the last one because I flew to Scotland without having a job lined up or a definite place to stay and never lived on my own before and I managed to organize and sort out everything by myself.

Of course all the stuff above isn't some amazing stuff but I'm really grateful for it because if I didn't put in the effort I'd probably still be jacking off to anime and crying >tfw no gf and being a loser. All this stuff just proved to myself that I (and I'm sure everyone here can too) can do anything as long as I put my mind to it. The problem is, I'm feeling lost in life now and not sure where what to focus on next.
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>I hope this doesn't sound like I'm bragging:
>I used to be your typical r9k poster, no friends, no gf, didn't know how to talk to people, scrawny, no fashion sense, low self-esteem. I put in effort and turned that all around, I've got a muscular body with a 6pack and decent strength records at the gym (205kg deadlift at 80kg bodyweight), 2.5 year relationship, racked up 1000 friends on Facebook (not that the number of friends has to mean something but you can't really get that much without learning how to socialize and become likable). I've become confident enough to chat up girls on the subway and have hooked up a couple of times at parties with girls. I've travelled to 20 countries, hitchhiked across Europe for a week with $10, recently went on a solo trip to Georgia. I've worked in three different countries doing stuff ranging from working on a 30 story building replacing bricks to working in a restaurant in the center of Edinburgh. I'm proud of the last one because I flew to Scotland without having a job lined up or a definite place to stay and never lived on my own before and I managed to organize and sort out everything by myself.

Sure you did, buddy.
I'd keep with it and at least get your bachelors. That way you'll still have a degree to fall back on if your search for a "dream job" doesn't go through.
Lol wageslave? As opposed to a salary slave? If you make 70,000 $ a year salary and I get paid 34$/hour and put in alot of OT who makes more? Anyways...

I believe its important to always finish what you started. You maybe looking at finishing the program as 'a waste of time', but no time would be wasted because 1) you get that paper saying your a pro 2) university is fun as fuck. As opposed to quitting 1) no matter how you spin it, you quit. No one likes a quitter. Quitters are losers. 2) That would be time wasted.

Finish what you started faggot.

I actually just started a few months ago and I have 3.5 years left so I feel like I'd waste more time by staying. I get what you're saying and it would have a lot more value if I was say half way in but I've barely gone through any material yet. I actually don't enjoy university in my country and would much rather study abroad.
Well it sounds like youve already made your decision because you keep finding excuses to sway your own opinion to leave.

You've just started. Who fucking enrolls into University and just stops and says "its not for me. Its a waste of time". Dude...you got to stop and just see this through, otherwise you will waste your time fucking around doing whatever it is you are going to do. Also, clearly mom and dad are paying because you have no regard for that lost money on tuition, books and all the other expenditures since you have been there. Just get it the fuck done. Find a hobby like weight lifting or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to make the days go faster. After you grad, move onto the next stage.

Your idea is a bad idea anon, believe me. Just get it done.
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