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>I've been thinking...

How would it be if we had a group of people here dedicated to answering certain question and problems? They wouldn't be the only ones, but when you see their names, you'd know you could come to them.

>We could have a thread where we list those chosen to represent specific topics.

In these threads, we can keep track of who responds to the most threads, who gives the best quality of advice for their topic, etc. in order to give people an idea of who to trust.

>It could be broken up into sections:

Relationships, Socialization, Lifestyle, Finance, plus an additional few that most anon agree on wanting to have.

>We already have some of the infrastructure in place:

Ask The Opposite Gender, Get It Off Your Chest, and so forth.

I feel like we should do what we can to help as many other anon as possible. Could this work, and help more people in the long run?
The issue with that is anonymity is a part of this website. Your partially removing that element
I'm missing the part where you gave any explanation or even elaboration on "help as many other anon as possible." That sounds like hand-waving. How does this help any more people than me responding anonymously in a thread?
you could just tell people to use names.

but you're also opening up the possibility of impersonation.
I think there's a site called girlsaskguys or something like that, that's kind of like what you ask for
We already do that, they just don't identify themselves. I have no doubt the same handful of people come here offering advice who have been very helpful. I also think we have some tripfriends (like Truckerfag? Married Oldfag?) but I don't come here often enough to know them all.

It sounds like you're trying to remove the social legwork required for people to sift through the good and bad advice. This does not sound like a good idea because you have to ask, who exactly determines the good and bad advice givers? Shouldn't that be up to the person asking the question? What seems like sound advice may actually be terrible and vice versa.

This sounds like enabling, honestly, and I could see it devolving to hugbox quickly. While your intentions at quality control are admirable, I just don't see it working practically. I like the anonymous system, and for the people that do choose to identify themselves, well, users can choose to go talk to them directly. There's no need for enforcement or strata or anything.
I'm sure you've been on this board long enough to see all of the people who make threads about serious subjects, and barely get two responses.

Keep an eye out, and you find people asking how to live after being kicked out of their homes, help on raising their children after a vicious divorce, or trying to find ways to survive not having any money to buy food to eat for the next week.

At times, I've seen great advice given to people in these situations, but way too often the askers just end up getting ignored. If we had people who look exclusively for these posts, then we stand a better chance at helping others.

That's possible, but I want someone to see the name "names !Tr1pf@g" and know that they usually handle survival advice, so they have some knowledge. If there's another way to do that, then we could use it.
The reason I don't see those threads is because I hide them. I make that decision based on how much of an understatement "you've been on this board long enough" really is. I was here on the first day this board was made on test.4chan.org. See your post number? I am the 5000 GET of this board. I used to be a tripfag just like you're suggesting.

So please understand when I say that I've got a good grip on which threads flourish and why. A thread being serious doesn't make it deserving of responses. Threads get ignored because the people posting them are either fucked in the head, immature or likely incapable of making constructive adult decisions. Thread quality is the problem, not reply quality. I'm not going to start wasting my time with garbage posts if I put my trip back up.

Want to see this in action? Go look at the "ask the other gender" general. Do you see the huge list of FAQs in the OP with short, dismissive responses? This is because the same old garbage keeps coming up. Those of us who respond to good questions in general threads respond to good questions in unique threads as well. And when we don't reply, it's because we intentionally ignore. Lurk moar and you'll start to better understand why giving more attention to bad topics doesn't really help those anons at all.
That's actually a really good idea.

I'm not experienced enough to be one of those people but I'd love to see some helpful familiar faces on /adv/.
Thank you for critiquing this! I want the anon to decide who's good or bad. They come in and comment on who gave good advice, who comes just to troll, etc. That way, it remains up to the asker who's best to trust.

As far as enforcement of quality, I want to make sure everyone gets a response. If they need help, then they came to /adv/ trusting that we would have their backs. I want it to be so that an advisor brings attention to a problem and tries to help, bringing it to another anons' attention in the process. This way we make sure that we get number of voices - good, bad or otherwise - coming in to provide support.
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Everytime 4chan gets more organized and labelled and sorted , a little of it dies. There's thousand of these sites on the internet. Go be a fag somewhere else.
I've been here for years, I feel where you're coming from. Some posts are just vying for attention rather than seeking help. I still see some people refusing sound advice from six others and continuing to complain about their situation. But we can't ignore the others that need help and never get it.

So do you propose that we do more general threads? That in itself could be a good form of quality control, but they get flooded with posts and responding gets hard. Someone could post that they lost their family in an accident, and are legitimately contemplating suicide, but receive no help.

Someone with your level of experience could do wonders for this board. I don't know about what >>16638782 said, but even a negative outlook provides a new and fresh perspective.

This picture makes no sense

Johnny Bravo was not a virgin
Johnny couldn't even land a chick 98% of the time. Where's your proof?
So essentially make 4chan into another board with accounts and usernames. Nope, that's contrary to everything the site stands for.

I do have some pretty good /adv/ice, since I'm older and more experienced than most here, but that doesn't I don't occasionally say something retarded. 4chan works because each post is purely judged on its own merit, not based on what its author wrote in the past.
So what does /adv/ stand for? Are we here to help? Then maybe we could skirt the trip nonsense and just do general threads. I'm not hearing any alternatives; if there's a better way I would be glad to use it instead since the trip stigma is as bad as it's always been.

As far as past posting, everybody fucks around - that's what anonymity is meant for. If you have a multitude of posts, then everyone is bound to trip up. But like you said, occasionally messing up means your good posts far outweigh and outnumber the bad. Merit overcomes failure most of the time.
We already have tripfags. And then you have regulars who want to help but will never want to tripfag. So your proposal would change nothing. The ones who want to have an identity on /adv/ already have it.
Ay while this thread is here could would just have a sticky for two things? (People can suggest more if you want.)

How to address this generic issue:
>I am a x year old male/female virgin. How do I change this?
Have a list of suggestions like try going for hobbies, starting working out, improve fashion style, don't be autismo (inb4 but how), and etc.

And to format these kinds of posts"
>Hey /adv/ something happened! I need advice quick!
Have a few listed factors people should at least briefly include in their first post for example instead of
>Girlfriend/boyfriend might be cheating! Help!
Go for more like
>Girlfriend has a past of cheating and we've been good for a year. But recently she's been acting like x. I've tried talking to her and she y. What should I do next?
Like don't type out an essay and try to include a tl;dr but don't make the one fucking sentence your first post.
This. Maybe we can add a sticky with a FAQ for common problems.

I'm glad some good might come out of this!
Stickies are unhelpful. People will always find a "my situation is different!" excuse to make their own thread. None of your ideas are new, unique or novel. They've all been proposed before, and /adv/ has stayed the way it is.

/adv/ works fine. There's no need for change. If you see a thread that doesn't interest you or is repetitive, hide it and move on. Simple as that.
/adv/ isn't a board that really lends itself to a sticky. It's a general board, so having anything specific would kind of ruin it. Some other boards have a specific topic, so there it makes more sense to have a sticky with links to common things.
Maybe we could keep an archive of the most helpful posts, and when we come across another we add it. We could keep it on another website, I forgot which one it was but people sometimes link to it for compiled lists of things.
I know it wouldn't be 100% helpful to some as all problems are different but there would always be people who would take some use out of it and ideas.
No one's going to go somewhere else to get advice. They didn't come to /adv/ to be redirected somewhere else, and that's not the point of the board either. A sticky is not going to work. Most of the time, people come here for validation, not for actual advice anyway. And like I said, people will use any minor detail to distinguish their situation from the one in the sticky

And I mean, look at the Ask The Opposite Gender Anything thread. There's an FAQ, and even that's commonly ignored. If we can't manage in a single thread, how do you expect a sticky to work for a whole board?
hmm, you're right I guess. this board is archived after all if people want to read past advice.
I know you're trying to improve the board, but it really does work fine the way it is.
I just want us to be the best we can be. I'm sorry if I came off as anything rude.
>Someone could post that they lost their family in an accident, and are legitimately contemplating suicide, but receive no help.
Yeah, because that post could not be a legitimate appeal for advice. Perhaps it's really a blog post or some kind of disturbed person seeking the last kind of attention which they should be receiving.

The latter example particularly bothers me. We're not a suicide helpline. In fact the number for that exact thing is under the post submission form. I would consider pasting it as a reply to suicide threads but that risks being read as "No one cares about your life, fuck off" by some crazy OP. I want no part of that.

As I've said many times in the past, advice is
>Soup or salad?
and not
>Fix me.
Within the limits of my knowledge and experience I help with decision making where I can. People trying to get 4chan to fix them as human beings don't need to be recognized. That doesn't improve the board. If there are more general threads which could catch on then I'm all for it, but I stand by that viewpoint of mine.
>Yeah, because that post could not be a legitimate appeal for advice. Perhaps it's really a blog post or some kind of disturbed person seeking the last kind of attention which they should be receiving.
A lot of people come here as a last resort for some reason -- maybe it's the anonymity or because people that give advice here expect nothing back and don't judge you since they don't know you. There's some sort of comfort in receiving sincere advice from someone here no matter how dire the situation. I myself was in a desperate situation a few years ago and came here and even though the advice wasn't too far off from what a therapist or friend would give me, it helped...more.

Not trying to argue btw, just making a comment.
I'm glad to hear that it worked for you, but I think your personal stake in this particular issue is creating a bias. Sincere advice is great but the sorts of threads I'm talking about neither result in sincere advice nor truly seek it in the first place. In other words, these other OPs aren't you. What you're suggesting won't help them or improve the board.

As an extra aside you should be aware that there was drama in our first group of tripfags. One guy was a pathological liar and used a lot of self-aggrandizement to get attention. Lots of people fell for it. Even if you're right about there being a large population of anons in desperate need of support, don't you see how they would be most vulnerable to a guy like that? One who builds a reputation and leverages it to toy with the most fragile of people?

However this suggestion of yours ends up going, count me out.
this. there are plenty of other websites with functionality similar to that which OP has described; 4chan is different.
>What you're suggesting won't help them or improve the board.
Nah I was agreeing with you, I think it should stay completely anonymous. I see how trips cause issues on other boards.
I don't think that's OP, 5000get. OP was using a trip.
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