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File: My hands.png (3 MB, 1438x1280) Image search: [Google]
My hands.png
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So I have been through a lot as a child and I thought I was cured but now my Neurodermitis came back in a different form as my doctor told me. I have been trying out special creams that my doctor gave me and my diet has changed already since those days were it first appeared but in the last week it is only getting worse. Does anyone have experience with this, or does anyone know how to cure it?
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I have this, psoriasis, it's on my scalp even. My hands I just try to keep lotioned a lot and I avoid washing them too often or dishes. I carry antibacterial around. Cold weather is usually when my hands get the worst. The only thing that ever cleared my hands was getting cortisone shots. A lot of them. And they burn! But over night my hands cleared. Ask your dermatologist if you want but it did come back. Count yourself lucky if that's it. I hate that my skin is so awful. And I'm a girl so I'm expected to have soft nice skin. It's autoimmune so really working with a doctor is your best bet. I'm hoping to start otezla this month.

Picture is my hands after the little bumps pop. Try gloves when you sleep and cortisone cream?
>I have been trying out special creams that my doctor gave me

Found your problem.

Do a full organic/natural detox, diet and environment. In addition to the usual stuff, you definitely need to switch to castile soaps for hair and body, free and clear/sensitive skin/gentle or plant-based laundry detergent, and natural-base skin creams/lotions

Buy some lanolin to cover the worse parts as they heal. That looks painful.
You people are actually the worst. You know what they call alternative treatments that actually work? Medicine.

Anybody whose first suggestion is 'go organic' shouldn't be taken seriously, OP.
You know what people who are sensitive to bathing in a constant cocktail of lab-made chemicals look like?

Broken out and sickly

I'm all for real science-based medicine, but when they're not working, you have to go back to the basics and work your way back up

My best friend's boyfriend has been battling skin issues for three years and I've supported them through it, eventually worked with them a bit to tweak things like switched from coconut castile soap which was too drying for him, to an olive oil base

His dermatologist has been amazed by the changes he saw his patient undergo all of a sudden, asked what was up, researched on his own and is now questioning the methods he was taught

So fuck you, dude, keep suckling that Big Pharma teat until you die
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Do some research into the industry before you parrot your elders' words, they let this mess happen, you think they know shit?
I've used Diprosone on similar skin breakouts before, have you tried/looked at that? Can dry out the skin in overuse though.
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I have used these 4 creams in the past 3-4 weeks.
Two were given to me by the doctors, one by my dad from his work place and one was a christmas gift. None of them had a big effect on my skin, My dad had the brilliant idea of smearing honey on my hands and bandaging them up for a longer period of time (5-6h) but that worsened the situation. This happened about 3 days ago. Now I keep putting the last cream the doctors gave me with the red lid every morning and evening.

Sorry, that all is in german.
>honey method
What the fuck? Your skin is irritated and greasy and unclean, so you smear it with a thick, slowly absorbing semi liquid and sealing them up?
Fucking hell, I'm probably being trolled but i have fuck else to do:
>clean yours hand off and keep them clean for a day or so
>use the left cream in moderation (in the morning and at night) as i believe that has the same ingredients as Diprosone which helped me when i had SIMILAR but not as severe skin issuss
>if it doesn't improve after 3 or so days go back to the doctor and try to work out what changed recently; i wasn't washing my feet regularly and was sweating + wearing socks all day so i had breakouts there badly.
Obviously I'm not a doctor, they should be the ones you should ask for advice.
>a thick, slowly absorbing semi liquid and sealing them up?
>My dad had the brilliant idea of smearing honey on my hands and bandaging them up for a longer period of time (5-6h) but that worsened the situation.
Cool, don't care if someone wrote a paper on it, that idea sounds completely fucking retarded. Maybe I'm wrong, but i got results from not using fucking honey and proper products.
I have this. It sucks when you shake someone's hand and they have this fucked off look in their face and you see them wiping their hands on their pants.
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